stanley uris {request}

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Requested by 7oliphant7

Olivia's POV

"What do you think you're doing?" Henry sneered as he pulled me away from Stanley and the rest of the Losers Club. My heart started to beat faster. Not because of love, but fear. I snatched my hand away and stepped away from him.

"I'm just talking to them, Henry. It's not a big deal." I mumbled as I walked back to them. Henry quickly gripped my wrist and yanked me back to where he was.

"Henry, my hand." I whimpered as I looked back to Stanley for help but he couldn't do anything. He watched in agony as my boyfriend continued to hurt me.

"Why are you here? Why are you with them?!" He yelled in my face. I whimpered, too scared to move, too scared to talk, too scared to do anything.

"When did this little friendship with these losers happen?! If you think you can make all these little friends, especially with them, then you've got another thing coming. You belong to me and only me. Do you understand that?!" He yelled at me. I kept trying to pull my hand back but every time I would try to escape, he would grip it tighter.

"My hand! Henry!" I screamed as he was completely leaving marks. Tears started to form in my eyes until he finally let go. I fell back as I held onto my wrist seeing purple bruises and red scratches.

"I better not see you talking to them again. Especially that little Jew." He muttered as he walked away with his gang. I sobbed as I wondered how long I was going to put up with this.

"Liv!" Stan exclaimed as he ran over to me. The rest ran over to me too and kneeled next to me.

"Jesus Christ, are you ok?!" He cried while examining my hand.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." I repeated and got up. I continued to dust myself off and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Olivia, w-why are you w-with him?" Bill stuttered as he put a hand on my shoulder. I sighed not wanting to tell them the real reason why I was dating him.

"I-I...I can't tell you." I whispered softly. Beverly walked up to me and hugged me. Beverly was my number one ride or die best friend. She was always someone I could count on.

"Livvie, you can tell us anything. We're your best friends. We won't tell anyone but you've got to trust us." She spoke as she pulled away from the hug. I sighed and sat back down as they did the same.

"When I first started dating Henry, he seemed like the nicest guy ever, but after he met his 'friends', he turned cruel and cold-hearted. I tried breaking up with him after many chances, but he told me if I end our relationship, that he would hurt me." I explained to them. They all gaped at me and hugged me. Stanley grabbed my hands and lifted me up.

"Liv, forget him. Leave him. If he tries to hurt you, I'll stop at nothing to make sure that doesn't happen. Please." He begged while looking into my eyes. Tears started to run down my cheek once again and I wiped them quickly. I sighed and nodded.

"Ok. I'll do it."

20 minutes later

I rode my bike around the town with Stanley, looking for the gang and trying to keep calm. You've given him way to many chances, Olivia. Leave him. It's the right choice and you know it.

I rolled into an alley and saw them spray painting a wall. We dropped our bikes and walked over to him.

"Aw, hey there princess. Hey, you little perverted Jew." Patrick cheered. Henry turned around and saw us walking towards him.

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