a poem-like vent

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Dear The Other Girl,

You do not look at him the way I look at him.

You do not admire him the way I admire him.

You look at him, glad that his looks will be able to make any girl jealous of you just for being with him, even more of a reason to show him off like a new pair of golden boots. Even more of a reason to make you feel better about yourself.

I look at him full of love, glad to know that when he is showing a true smile, he is truly happy. He sometimes looks at me from across the room when I look sad after having a bad day which makes me wonder if he does care for me after all.

When you look at him, you see attractiveness, popularity, cute friends, and more.

When I look at him, I see a broken soul, fake smiles, judgmental friends, and more.

But through it all, I also see kindness, integrity, compassion, honesty, and loyalty. Some traits that you will never care to notice.

I've covered just about everything about the way you and I see him differently. But you have no idea how he sees you, do you?

He sees you with that spark in his eye. A spark that has never shown up until he met you. He believes that you are loyal, that you truly love him.

Do you have any idea how much it hurts to see him with someone who uses him?

Do you have any idea how much I wish he could look at me the way he looks at you?

Do you have any idea the pain that I receive to know that he will never love me the same way he loves you?

It is unfair.

Do not get me wrong. You are a beautiful girl. Everyone loves you. Every girl wants to be you. Every guy wants to be with you.

But you are focusing on the wrong features. It's the inside features that matter the most.

My final words?

Take care of him.

Love him.

Care for him.

Please. It's the least you can do after everything he's dealt with in his life.

Of course, I know you might not ever read this. But it feels good to get this off my chest.

Thank you.

Love, Me.

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