bill denbrough {request}

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Requested by AstralAllie

Allie's POV

I walked through the halls of my school, observing people as they walked by everyone who weren't of their "kind". Like me for example, I was one of the shy kids. I never really talked to anybody, I never participated in class activities. I was pretty introverted if you asked me.

Henry and his gang eyed the Losers Club, as some people called them. I've never talked to them, but in my opinion, they seemed pretty cool and easy to talk to.

While the last bell rang, we were all dismissed to go home. Kids started to ambush each other trying to be the first ones out of the school. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the Losers Club talking.

"Do you guys want to head to the Barrens today?" I heard a boy with glasses ask. The tall boy nodded but was suddenly shoved harshly on the ground.

"What's up, freaks!" Patrick hissed while Belch...well, belched in a small boy's face.

"Watcha up to, Bill? Are you still the stuttering freak we know and hate?" Henry cackled and shoved him on the ground. The gang started to laugh and walk away until 'Bill' stood up.

"You s-s-suck, Bowers!" He stuttered. Henry turned around and glared at the boys, especially Bill.

"Bill, shut up!" The boy with the glasses whisper-yelled. The gang snickered in an angry way and they started to walk closer to the group. I couldn't just stand there. I had to do something.

"Hey, what's going on here?" I asked somewhat quietly.

"Well, what do ya know? All the freaks have joined together. Any bets on Bill and Allie getting together?" Henry boasted.

"Guys, just forget him. He's not worth it." The boy with the curls insisted. I started to walk away until I felt someone following us.

"Aw, Billy. I'm not done with you yet. You're the one I love picking on the most. Hey, I'm talking to you, screw up!" Henry argued. Something in me had snapped and I turned around and grabbed him by the ear.

"Listen and listen clearly because I'm only going to say this once, you leave Bill and his friends alone or so help me I'll crack your head open in two! Do you understand, Bowers?" I snarled. He looked taken aback and I swore I could have seen him shaking a bit.

"Fine, whatever." He said, trying to sound confident. I smirked and walked away with the rest.

"So, uh, that" The small boy began. Bill nodded and opened his mouth to speak.

"Y-yeah, I didn't t-think you w-would do t-that. Not that y-you're not a n-nice person! Y-you totally are! I j-just meant-" He blabbered but I stopped him.

"Bill! It's fine. Really, it wasn't a big deal." I cleared up and he grinned slightly.

"So, t-this is Richie, E-Eddie, and S-Stanley." He introduced. I waved at them and they smiled back.

"So, babes, will you be joining us on our loser journey?" Richie asked. We all stared at him in confusion.

"I'll go home." He chuckled. (Shane Dawson, anyone?) We laughed at him while he turned bright red. I caught Bill glancing at me a few times. I turned to look at him and he looked away quickly. I grinned at him, feeling butterflies in my stomach.

We hung out at Bill's for a few hours until Stanley and Richie had to go home, so that left only Bill and I.

"So, um, I like your room. It's nice." I stated. He nodded and stood next to me while we stared at a picture of a little boy.

"Um, who's this?" I asked him. He looked up at the picture and his lip started to quiver.

"T-that's m-my brother, G-Georgie. Or w-was." He muttered shakily. I have him a confused look and turned him towards me.

"Bill, what happened?" I asked him. We talked about Georgie for a long time, his favorite things, his life, the things they did to have fun.

"I'm so sorry. Come here." I cooed, hugging him tightly. He cried onto my shoulder while I wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt hot tears pile onto my sleeve as I was caressing his back. We pulled away shortly after.

Bill's eyes left mine and he focused on my lips. My breathing got quicker while I felt my heart beat at my throat.

"A-Allie. Let me d-do t-this, please." He whimpered leaning in closer. He placed his hand on my cheek and he collided his lips with mine. A few seconds later, his lips pulled away from mine. We stared at each other and laughed.

Hours later, we were sitting together on his couch, skipping through channels on his television. My hand was intertwined with his while I laid my head on his shoulder.

This is who I want to be with for the rest of my life.

Bill's POV

This is who I want to be with for the rest of my life.

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