stanley uris {request}

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Requested by Hannah93571

Chloe's POV

"So, when do you think you'll be able to walk again?" Stanley asked me. I was currently sitting in bed with a broken ankle, my crutches next to me.

"I don't know. The doctor said not for another 6 weeks." I explained to him. My little sister started to pull on my shirt.

"Chloe, Chloe. Can you come play outside with me in the puddles?" She asked me with excitement. I turned to look at her and shook my head.

"Sorry, Madds. I can't right now. Maybe when I'm better, ok?" I hugged her slightly. She sighed and walked away.

"Ok, I'll go put on my raincoat." She said disappointed and walked out of my room. I frowned.

"I wish I could play with her. She's been so bored lately now that I can't really do much of anything." I whispered. Stanley sat down next to me and we watched television for a while until Maddy came walking back in.

"Chloe, I'm gonna play outside! Bye!" She cried.

"Maddy! Wait!" I called to her. She ran back in my room and tilted her head with confusion.

"Ya?" She asked while coming closer to my bed.

" careful. Please." I begged. She looked at me and nodded.

"Sure, Chloe." She smiled and ran out the front door singing her favorite nursery rhyme, Oranges and Lemons. I watched her from my window and saw her jumping in the puddles and running around. I kept flickering my eyes from the TV to the window and Stanley took notice.

"Chlo, she's going to be fine. She's just a kid having fun. The rain isn't going to harm her, ok?" He muttered. I smiled.

"Ok." I replied and looked back out the window. Maddy was gone.

"Stan, where's Maddy?" I asked him worried. He stood up and walked over to the window. He looked and looked, but he couldn't find her.

"I don't know." He said quickly. I started hyperventilating and I grabbed my crutches.

"I need to find her." I said determined and walked downstairs with my crutches. I grabbed my coat from the hallway closet, opened the door, and walked outside.

"Maddy! Maddy, where are you?!" I yelled out. I felt someone grab my shoulder and I turned around to see Stanley.

"You're going to get sick, Chloe!" He stated and looked me in the eyes.

"I don't care! I need to find Maddy! Something could have happened to her so as long as she's not in this house, I'm going to keep looking for her!" I screamed at him. He gulped nervously but nodded.

A few minutes later, there was still no sign of her.

"We've looked everywhere. I don't think she's here." Stanley said while my lip started to quiver, but at that moment, I heard a shrill scream fill the neighborhood's silence.

"That was Maddy! It came from over there!" I claimed and I started walking over to a near sewer with my crutches constantly slipping. As I got closer, I saw blood painting the clear water red and I widened my eyes in horror.

"T-that can't be can't be!" I yelled once more. I slowly kneeled down adding more pain to my ankle but I didn't care. I laid my fingertips against the water and started to cry while Stanley held me in his arms. Maddy was gone.

1 year later

"Hey Chloe! You up for the Barrens today with the boys and I at 4?" Beverly asked me while I was getting stuff out of my locker. I turned towards her and I turned around to see Stan and the other boys talking.

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