stanley uris (request)

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Requested by Stan_the_pervy_jew

Serenity's POV

I ran and ran, urging to get away from Henry Bowers and his gang.

"You can run, gorgeous, but you can't hide!" Henry yelled at me.

I turned many corners, trying to lose them. I spotted a tree and decided to climb up there for my own safety.

I stayed on the branch while they ran past me, not noticing me.

I stayed there for a few minutes until I heard a sound next to me.

"Uh...hi." I heard a male voice. I turned around and saw Stanley Uris, one of my classmates at school. I screamed and then he screamed and then I screamed. It went on like that for a few seconds until I fell out of the tree.

"Oh my gosh, are you alright?! I'm sorry!" He cried as he jumped out of the tree. I rubbed my head as a migraine started to form in my brain.

"Freaking Christ, this hurts." I said as tears started to form in my eyes due to the pain.

"Look, I'm really sorry. Please don't cry." He said with a worried look on his face as he held my hand. I wiped my tears and brushed my hair behind my ears. Stanley pulled me up making sure not to hurt me again.

"Is there any way I can make it up to you?" He asked me. I shook my head and he nodded.

"Ok, well...I'll see you around. Sorry, again." He apologized once more, starting to walk further away from me. For some odd reason, i wanted him to stay. So, I did what any civilized and poised girl would do. I tackled him.

"Stanley Uris!" I yelled as I jumped on him. He luckily caught me in time, but he stumbled back and fell down on the ground.

"Oh my god! What was that?!" He exclaimed. I laughed.

"I decided. You actually can make it up to me. Take me for some ice cream. That way, we can get to know each other after that whole catastrophe back there." I told him. He raised his eyebrows and nodded as I helped him up this time.

We took a walk past the stores in Derry before we finally reached the ice cream store. Stanley had ordered a mint chocolate chip ice cream while I ordered rainbow sherbet.

We sat down at the tables outside the store and we talked endlessly about everything. Our parents, our lives, our friends, our interest in weird foods. Everything.

"My father wants me to present a torah for my Bar Mitzvah . I can never get it right. It's impossible." He told me and I could hear the frustration in his voice.

"Well, I could help you. I mean, if you want me to." I mumbled. He smiled at me and nodded.

"Thank you! You're a lifesaver!" He thanked me as we left the ice cream store.

We walked all the way to his house. He was telling me what to expect when we get to his home. He said his dad would be asking a lot of questions and to just be prepared. I nodded to let him know I understood and we walked into his house together.

"Hi, dad. This is Serenity, one of my classmates from school." He introduced me. His dad cane out of the kitchen and shook my hand.

"Hello, Serenity. How are you? What's your relationship with my son? What are your grades? Have you ever been involved with any drugs? How did you meet my boy?" He asked all at once. Wow. Stanley was right.

"Good, sir, thank you. We're both friends. Straight A's. Never in my life. We bumped into each other on our way home." I explained everything to him. He smiled like he was impressed and he let Stanley and I go up to Stanley's room to work on his torah.

As he was reading it, he kept stumbling on his words and I stopped him before he could go any further.

"That was...ok. You need to practice on going slower and making sure you understand the words. Try again." I encouraged him. He sighed and he kept on reading. We had practiced for at least three hours and we were beginning to lose hope.

"This is impossible!" He groaned. I sighed and told him to try again one last time.

This time, he recited all the words correctly without missing any words.

"Stanley! You did it! I can't believe this! You did it!" I yelled with excitement. He jumped pff the bed and picked me up to spin me around. When he placed me back on the ground, he pecked me on the lips. He and I both gasped, surprised at what had just happened.

We looked at each other for a while before he kissed me again, but longer this time. I kissed back and he smiled into the kiss. I pulled away and we both laughed after. He held my hand and I laid my head on his shoulder.

I didn't know what we were at that exact moment, but I knew that what had just happened was something I was going to remember forever.

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