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"welp, todays the day." i pulled the handle to the suitcase up and looked at lewis, who was going to be staying at the apartment until the lease is up.

"i'll obviously visit you, i just feel so bad i'm not flying there with you and helping you unpack and stuff." he replied with a frown.

"don't worry about it, tom and sarah are helping. maybe even yasmin." we both laugh and he sighs. "don't let her get to you, and don't get into a fight with her that's just bad press."

i roll my eyes at him, "tell me about it. now i really have to go so, i'll call you when i land ok?"

he nods and walks me down the stairs. "bye!" he shouted one more time as i stepped into the car, blowing him a kiss through the window and laughing, the driver and i make small talk and he tells me about his kids.

"would you like kids one day?" he questions, that's a bit of a tough conversation to have with a stranger. "maybe one day, but definitely not yet. i'm too young and i'm not smart enough to know how to handle children yet."

he laughs and we continue chatting as we drive, checking the time every so often before i arrive and check in. making sure i don't miss my flight.

"cara!" the sound of tom's voice shouting to me made me turn my head, he was running up to me so i left my bags where they were against the wall and moved a few steps before he met me with a hug. "i've not seen you in ages!" he exclaimed and i rolled my eyes.

"tom, we spoke last night and i saw you a month ago." he sighed and shook his head. "yeah a month is too long. we went almost a whole year not seeing each other."

the others made their way over and all offered to help me carry my bags which i kindly accepted, before we made our way to the apartment complex we were staying in.

ben decided this time around it would be a good idea to rent apartments for us in the same building, which makes rounding us up a lot easier. the only downside is that i will probably be seeing finn and yasmin a lot more.

"i'm so glad you got here fairly quick, i don't think i can spend anymore time in finn's room." zach moaned and rubbed his temples.

"is the wicked bitch of the west definitely living with him?" i was surprised and also disappointed in him. "i have no idea why he carried on with her when i literally heard her say she 'can't ask finn for an agent's number because he might realise she is just trying to get publicity.' i knew he was dumb but not that stupid." i groaned and everyone else sighed in agreement. 

"but on the brightside i am having a yasmin free movie night in my room, i already told her it is cast only and she can entertain herself." sarah boasted. 

"i could kiss you right now that is the best thing i've ever heard." i stated and she looked at me weirdly, "please don't, i play your mother." we laughed and pulled into the parking garage, while tom tried to prepare me for the hell i was about to face upstairs, seeing yasmin after all of this drama isn't something i'm looking forward to.

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