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once i had finished the pancakes i noticed cara tidied my apartment, not that i wasn't grateful it just didn't seem right, letting my ex babysit me.

its great to be spending time together again but if she thinks we're just friends this is going to be harder for me than the whole ordeal with yasmin. yes she was a terrible person most of the time but i was with her for (most of) two years so it hurts.

"thanks for everything cara, i feel terrible just letting you do everything. you deserve a break. go and do something that you want to do." i sat up on the bed and tried to convince her that i was fine.

her hands reached for mine in my lap and i felt my skin tingle, the sensation travelling up my arms as if it was pumping through my veins. i hadn't felt this in ages, not with yasmin, not since cara.

her eyes met mine when she spoke "i want to be here with you finn, you need someone and you obviously wanted me here. you only answered the door to me, nobody else who wanted to help." she was right, after i was a complete asshole i thought she hated me so to have her at my door shocked me.

a shaky breath was all i could let out, words wouldn't really form sentences because what i had to say was going to be tough. "i don't know how to say this but i got it wrong - i was so wrong to leave you how i did." she looked up with hope in her eyes and squeezed my hands.

"it was probably the biggest mistake i've ever made cara, and i have no idea why i did what i did. i was overthinking and i guess somehow my mind decided i had to do it, but now i know my mind is shit at making decisions." she laughed and nodded.

"trust me, i know that finn. when you left, was one of the hardest times in my life. i loved you so much-" she paused and mumbled something under her breath before talking again - intriguing me as to what she said.

"but i had tom and emalee to look after me, they were the only two people i let in. i know exactly how you feel after going through a breakup. so to return the favour feels good."

"i don't think i truly loved yasmin. i feel like the biggest fuckboy in the world for saying this; but thinking about it i'm sure i just dated her for the sake of it after we were done. we were together for a large part of 2 years but i still didn't feel the connection i feel with us." our eyes met and we gave eachother a sad smile, this is only really the second time we've spoke properly since we've been working together again.

"i had a feeling that was what happened." she said, but she immediately looked shocked that she said it, as if it was only meant to be a thought.

"what?" was all i had to say, did she know i didn't like yasmin before i knew?

"finn i fucked up, massively. i'll be back later ok?" was all she said before she stood up and more or less sprinted out of my apartment, and i heard the door of hers slam too.

jealousy - finn wolfhard [✓]Where stories live. Discover now