twenty five

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"i'm so happy you're back with me again." finn gushed and i smiled, when he got all soft my heart melted.

"i just don't want it to feel rushed, we've literally just come out of relationships. i don't think we should announce it to the world yet." i was playing with my ring, something he knew i did when i was nervous.

"we don't have to cara, i just want it to be me and you together, like this - in bed watching episodes of tv shows we love, and the occasional make out session." he joked but attacked my neck with kisses.

"finn no, the last time you gave me a hickey my mum tried to give me the talk-" "but then you got revenge by leaving about 15 bruises all over my neck and collarbones, so i had to wear the same 2 turtlenecks for weeks." he interrupted and i smiled at the memory. 

"well yeah i got payback that time, but if you decide to attack me with hickeys now, every day in hair and makeup when we go back i will have those knowing eyes on me; and then it will be super awkward and i will want to spontaneously combust." i joke.

"spontaneous combustion is no joke, its fucking terrifying. for now lets just cuddle and i'll leave some hickeys somewhere else." he joked, and it was good to see the old finn back, it was pretty sudden but i feel like he wasn't moping over yasmin for the last couple of days. he was moping over the mistakes he made in the past.

the rest of the night was very chilled out, we cuddled and just enjoyed eachothers presence that was until.

my shirt was thrown across the floor
a kiss that turned to something more

skin to skin

flesh to flesh

a sign for us to start a fresh

not a sound was made
apart from the odd moan
a touch so soft and gentle
a feeling so unknown

our actions did the talking

as we danced in pleasure tonight

his lips felt like a home to me
a place of love and light 

jealousy - finn wolfhard [✓]Where stories live. Discover now