thank you

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its been just over 5 months since i finished cara and finn's story and i had already prewritten the bonus chapters, i did not expect many people to read it but here we are. so i am going to rewrite the bonus chapters and publish them all tonight! hope you enjoy them and thank you all so much for supporting the story.

so thats it!

i hope you liked the last scene and it wasn't cringey or tacky. writing an actual smut scene would be so bad if it came from me but i thought hey, in this they're 19 now and have been in love since they were 15, why not let them have some fun.

this is the end for finn and cara. (i have some ideas for bonus chapters i'll write them at the end of the note)

but i can not thank you all enough, i know my writing is nowhere near as good as other peoples but i feel like its developing and changing as i write so i guess you can look forward to more books in the future .

i have another story i'm in the process of writing but for now, thank you for everything. <3

- saffie


-finding out cara is pregnant ( i have a pretty cute idea for this but idk )
-having the little bub
-a cute family moment in the future

i dont think i will do anything more than those chapters but i feel like you might want more of an insight to their future? or should i just do a chapter answering any questions you have for their future? you can decide i'll do one of those poll things where you write your choice on the line

do a bonus chapter for each idea


do a q&a chapter to answer all the questions you have



(pls vote so i know which one to do, if you vote for the q&a then comment questions for it)

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