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"so what did you even need to talk about?" i questioned yasmin who had turned slightly red thanks to the embarrassing situation she dragged us into.

"i thought they would've been in their trailer by now, i tried to find you but i saw them sucking their faces and wanted to show them up." the fact she spoke like what she said was perfectly ok shocked me. so did the thought of cara kissing someone else - but i let that thought slide.

"look you and cara don't like each other and i get that, but you can't exploit our relationship to make her 'jealous'. when she is obviously happy with her new boyfriend." i sighed and looked at her, "sometimes i feel like you're only in this to get revenge on my ex girlfriend. if anything the situation should be the other way around."

"no finn, i feel like you're constantly defending everyone else and never on my side." her voice went really high pitched and i turned to look at her.

her eyes were squinted and looked like she was trying to force tears; "are you trying to fake cry?" she turned away allowing me to scoff. "sorry yasmin but that is a new low." 

she rolled her eyes and i headed in the opposite direction and leaving her standing outside of the trailer. i saw tom talking to lewis and i didn't want things to get awkward so i found a quiet room and sat in it, thinking about the situation i had found myself in.

cara was nothing like yasmin. cara was caring and funny, but yasmin wouldn't understand humour if it hit her in the face with a frying pan.

my hands found their way to my hair and i played with the curls subconsciously. reminding me of the many times cara and i would lay in bed, cuddling and her hands got tangled with my messy hair. it was even longer then than it was now.

i managed to snap myself out of these thoughts before it getting too dangerous. how am i supposed to manage filming for the next 6 months if my co-star is my ex, and i think i'm still in love with her?

jealousy - finn wolfhard [✓]Where stories live. Discover now