delilah has a birthday

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twelfth.february.twenty-thirty six

delilah woke us up this morning at 6am, it was a sunday. so we took her into our bed for just a couple more hours. then ezra woke up crying in his cot at 8am, that was when i officially decided as a family. we were awake for the day.

"presents, presents, presents, presents!" delilah cheered as she tugged on finn and i's legs.

"when we calm ezra down. you don't want his crying to distract you opening all of your toys do you?" finn questioned and she shook her head.

"no! i can wait." she stood up tall and i was proud of her, she had finally, most of the time, grown out of her tantrum phase.

finally ezra had stopped screaming and we all walked down to the living room, where all of her boxes sat on the floor.

"woah!" her eyes widened and i'm sure they glistened.

"look at all of this?" finn acted surprised even though we organised it last night. the little girl has more belongings than me because everyone bought her something.

"the ones in the red wrapping is from mummy and daddy, do you want to open them first or last?" i questioned her and she shook her head. "last, what can i open first."

i looked to finn. i couldn't really remember and neither could he. i looked at the tag on one with blue polka dots.

"this is from auntie millie." she ripped open the paper and pulled the lid off of the box, i saw a converse logo and mouthed to finn; "she didn't"

sure enough it was a matching denim jacket to millies, but it said 'delilah '31' on the back. i gasped and showed her it, balancing ezra on my knees.

"look at this!" i almost screamed, then delilah actually did. finn and i laughed but she soon returned to opening presents.

wyatt bought her a nintendo console and wrote on the tag 'tell delilah uncle wyatt will teach her, she is learning from the best."

then emalee bought a castle doll house and i know she has planned with my mum to put some dolls in the big box of gifts from my parents.

"this one is another special one, this is from uncle caleb." he has always told us he would teach her to dance. little did i know he was going to get her a street dance outfit. my jaw dropped and finn had the same expression, "this will look great." he told her. "wot is it?" she questioned in her adorably confused voice we had to explain what street dance is. she seemed amused enough and went back to opening the next box.

it was from charlie and natalia, they got her a lego set which i learnt from experience is more fun for you than it is for them. i showed it to finn and his eyes got wide, "hey dee, if you don't want that mummy and i will take it for you." he joked and she giggled at him, "no silly its my bwirfday." we both acted sad but then she took a small box from the pile and gave it to finn. "but you can share this if you want."

i shook my head at her, "no darling these are your presents. who is it from?" i ask finn and he shows me the tag. winona. "it looks like a jewelry box." i nod at him and think. "if its something expensive we obviously can't let her have it right now. she's only five bless her." he opens it and it is a beautiful ring with a blue gem, similar to the one she gave millie all those years ago.

i show it to delilah and her eyes grow when she sees the shiny blue orb. "this is a very special present from winona? do you remember seeing winona?" finn asks her and she nods, "well this is something we will give to you when you get older. not because we don't trust you but because you need to be older to understand how important this is, okay?" he informs her and suprisingly she is fine with it. then she passes me another one which is quite heavy, "jesus did jeremy buy her rocks for her birthday?" i ask finn and he shrugs, taking ezra off of my lap and playing with him while i try and get the 5th layer of tape off of the paper.

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