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it was the first day of filming and i was about to have my first scene with finn. "have you read over the scene?" ben asked me and i nodded, "i just finished it."

"i'm glad you're keeping it professional, considering everything that happened." he trailed off and i nodded. "i wouldn't let a stupid previous relationship get in the way of my career." he nodded and i spotted finn walking back into the room from the corner of my eye.

"lets go!" he called out, i walked to my spot which was marked on the floor in blue tape, before ben called out action and we began to shoot.

we filmed a few scenes and it went surprisingly well. "take five everybody." ben called out, i walked over to tom who was going to the food hall.

"hey spidey." i joked and he rolled his eyes, "hey cara, a little birdy told me someone was waiting outside your trailer for you." 

my eyes widened and i hastily walked to my trailer, only to see lewis waiting for me. we had been separated for a week, but i wasn't expecting to see him so soon.

i ran up to him and he picked me up, spinning us around; "it's so good to see you!" i said into his neck and felt his lips smile on my skin.

"i was called over to do some shoots, it's all super last minute but i thought i'd stop by and see you before i head back to new york."

"that's great," i smiled. "we just finished shooting some of the scenes but i'm sure you can come and watch." i offered, pointing behind me and gesturing at the building i had just left. his eyes followed the direction i pointed and his face changed, causing me to look.

standing there was yasmin, dragging finn out of the room who was trying to eat some pot noodle.

"yasmin i'm trying to talk to tom can you give me a second?" he questioned and she sighed, continuing to take him to the trailer next to mine.

"i need to talk to you and i cant do it in there," she turned and saw lewis and i, standing there and staring at the situation unfolding in front of us with raised eyebrows.

"have fun with that finn." i called out before i took lewis's hand and walked happily into the soundstage, laughing with lewis at the situation we just witnessed.

"if i ever act like that please slap me in the face and tell me to wake up." i mumbled as we saw tom, looking at us, obviously confused.

"i thought you two were going to be finn, ready to moan about yasmin." he joked.

"don't start, i don't understand how someone can be so irritating." i rolled my eyes and lewis nodded.

"i don't know why he hasn't left her, he obviously doesn't seem happy with her." tom began to speak but i zoned out, the conversation moved on to something else but i was still thinking - why are finn and yasmin together?

many thoughts about why they got together clouded my mind, was it all to make me jealous? it sure as hell worked the first time i heard about her, but many nights in with emalee and tom helped me get over my feelings and i managed to get over it.

i feel like somehow there are old feelings being dug up again. is that even possible? this is a question i need to ask emalee.

"sorry, i just remembered i have to speak to emalee." i excused myself and walked to my trailer, passing finn and yasmin themselves but choosing to ignore whatever they were doing.

i closed the door and dialled her number.

"hello-" her voice spoke through the phone and i cut her off.

"this may sound really stupid, but i just got deep in my thoughts and i think finn is only with yasmin to make me jealous." i breathed out a sigh after realising it sounded stupid.

"wait- what do you mean?" she sounded legitimately confused which wasnt out of character for her, but i didn't want to go into detail.

"finn looks really unhappy with yasmin and it is making me think, what if getting with her was just to make me jealous and now he would feel bad if he broke it off." i speculated and heard her sigh.

"he didn't feel too bad when he broke it off with you." she mumbled, evidently annoyed but she carried on talking, "well if you can get any more proof then say something. does anyone else think she is a bitch or is it just us."

"oh no, everyone hates her apart from her minion and finn. i feel like he can only tolerate her." i responded, remembering to be quiet because the trailers aren't soundproof.

"what even brought on these thoughts? please don't tell me you like finn again." she sounded desperate this time, and knowing emalee she would probably fly all the way here from london to smack me in the face if i said yes.

"i don't know anymore. i mean i have lewis. you've seen us together. i like him but now seeing finn is reminding me of with him." i wasn't sure what i was saying at this point.

"i don't know how to help you with this one cara, i've seen you and lewis and you look in love theres no doubt about it. but i remember you and finn looking in love too. you're going to have to figure this out on your own, i need to get ready for a date."

"keep me updated and send me pictures of him." i reminded her and she agreed, we quickly said our goodbyes and i leant against the wall of my trailer.

i have a really bad feeling i've fallen for my ex.

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