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"this is last box to unpack and it is all clothes, should we just stop now?" tom suggested as he put the pair of scissors on the countertop.

"yes please, let's just get food and watch movies." everyone agreed and left my room so i could put comfy clothes on. in the meantime i could hear yasmin's voice through the walls.

"why can i not come again?" of course she was nagging him about tonight. most supportive people actually allow their partners time to themselves, not every moment needs to be spent together 24/7.

i heard finn mumble a response and gave up listening before i headed to sarah's room, where food and actually fun people were waiting for me.

the door was left ajar so i walked straight in, seeing a table of takeout and everyone standing around it. "i'm here." i called to everyone as they turned to look who it was. 

"what are we watching?" zach turned to ask me and i shrugged, not knowing the answer. "well personally i'm in the mood for a good musical, or chick flicky thing." tom jumped on the armchair and crossed his legs, eating off of his plate.

"i agree, i feel like watching hairspray." sarah voted so we found that and played it first.

"wait finn isn't here." annie reminded us so zach was sent to save him from yasmin's possessive grasp.

"sorry, i was talking to yasmin and didn't realise the time." tom sent him a strange look which confused me so i decided to ask him about it. i stretched my leg and poked his knee with my foot.

"what?" he mouthed to me, obviously irritated i disturbed his film watching.

"why did you look at finn like that?" he squinted, trying to read my lips. "why did you look at finn like that?" he shook his head signalling he didn't know what i was saying. i sighed and shook my phone at him. telling him i would text him about it.

why did you give finn a weird look when he walked into the room?

he said something questionable about yasmin
it was just an involuntary reaction.

but was it though? or do you know something nobody else does.

i know nothing

i looked at his face and saw he didn't look convinced with what he was typing. i learnt quickly nobody here has a really good poker face. 

your face says otherwise.

he shot me the finger from across the room and began to respond.

ok fine, finn told me that he doesnt really feel the same way about yasmin that he did with you

oh dear lord please don't say he likes me, hes the one who left me

i told him that, he avoided the question
this was ages ago though
now come recreate hairspray with me.

i stood up and began to sing 'you can't stop the beat' with tom before eventually everyone joined in, after the song ended we were left out of breath from laughing so much. if we were in an apartment complex with other people we would have gotten a noise complaint by now.

we crashed back onto the chairs in a different order than before and when i moved to get comfy, accidentally kicking someone in the side i didn't realise it was finn.

"sorry." i looked up and his brown eyes were staring back at me, his freckled face had a more defined jawline but apart from that not much was different. i stopped staring more or less straight away, even though it was only for a few seconds it still could've became awkward.

after three more musicals and drained vocal chords everyone started to leave sarah's room. i didn't realise it was just myself and finn in her living room at two in the morning. i stood up from the sofa and sighed through my teeth. "i'm going to leave." 

he nodded and stood up too, "i'll come with you," i started to walk out of the room and he shut the door softly. i found my room key in the back pocket of my jeans. "goodnight finn." i said, expecting him to walk straight past me and into the arms of yasmin.

"look i am sorry, i've not said it but-" he trailed off and i froze, not daring to look up and meet his gaze incase tears spilled. the feelings i had for him didn't disappear i just pushed them away, there is a chance they can come back and make me feel things for him again.

"actually nevermind. just know i'm sorry cara." i took in a deep breath before replying, "i don't forgive you, you fucking broke me finn; but i'll work on it." 

with that i walked into my room and closed the door behind me, leaving him confused and overwhelmed. a bit like i was when he left me.

jealousy - finn wolfhard [✓]Where stories live. Discover now