Chapter 15...Getting Married...

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Christa had told Zak about her mom and grandparents visit just before Zak had come home. After Alex, Christa and Zak didn't want to take any chances with the twins. Dr. Moore had ordered ultrasounds every 2 months to make sure the cord didn't wrap around either twin's neck.


Christa and Zak decided to get married a month before Christa's due date. So, they decided on July 14th,2012. They agreed to get married by a judge and then when the twins were older, they would plan a more traditional wedding so the twins could be in it.

Zak had talked with Aaron, Jay, Ashley, Nick and Billy and they agreed that they would make a statement with the Travel Channel to announce the marriage of Christa and Zak. Christa agreed with it since she knew the media would find out about it anyway.


Christa had been busy trying to get things ready for their wedding and making sure they had everything ready for the twins. Meredith, Jeanne and Nancy had helped Christa with picking her dress. So, there was countless of shopping trips. Christa had finally picked a white dress that had spaghetti straps and with a black satin ribbon tied around the waist.

Finally the date arrived. It was time for Zak and Christa to get married.

Nick, Veronique and Annabelle flew in from the East Coast to attend the wedding. Christa was happy to see Annabelle. Christa adored Annabelle.



Waking up, Christa rolled over to face Zak. She felt butterflies already in her stomach. Zak was still asleep. He was shirtless and only wearing black Calvin Klein boxers. Christa smiled as she traced her finger along Zak's bicep.

Zak got up startled. Looking at Christa, Zak said "Oh God, Christa!"

Laughing, Christa sat up leaning against the wall where their bed was. Smiling, Christa asked "What? Did I wake you up?"

Sitting up and leaning against the wall like Christa and draping his arm around Christa, Zak said "Duh."

Christa laughed as she lean against Zak's chest.

Zak kissed Christa's head as he said "Tomorrow's the day. You're going to be Mrs. Zak Bagans."

Christa smiled as she said "Yup. Are you nervous?"

Zak said "A bit. Are you?"

Christa nodded and said "A little. I think I am more nervous about the twins coming than us getting married."

Zak laughed and said "I know what you mean."

"How do you feel about us having Carson and Savannah?" asked Christa.

"Excited and nervous. I just hope that I do alright with them." said Zak.

"You're going to be a great dad, Zak. You're already great with Meredith's kids." said Christa.

"Yeah but that's her kids. These are going to be our kids." said Zak.

Christa nodded as she said "True."

Pulling Christa closer to him, Zak said "You're going to be a great mom, baby."

Smiling as she leaned her face towards Zak, Christa said "Thank you, babe."

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