Chapter 17....2 Months Of Twins....

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2 months had flown by quickly since Carson and Savannah arrived. Carson and Savannah began sleeping thru the night by 4 weeks old. Christa had decided to breast fed Carson and Savannah but had also pumped so that Zak could help with the feedings. Jeanne and Meredith had been over to help out as much as possible.

Zak and Christa had grown even closer since the arrival of Carson and Savannah. Both of them had been determined since day one to provide with everything they could to give their children as much as love, support, encouragement, and affection as possible. And to provide them with a normal as possible childhood despite having a famous father. For the both of them, providing a stable home with lasting memories for each of their children.

But the time had arrived that Zak was going back on the road with "Ghost Adventures". Jeanne had agreed to stay with Christa while Zak was away to help care for the twins.


~September 30,2012~

Christa was woken up suddenly from Savannah crying. Getting out of bed, Christa realized that Zak wasn't in bed next to her.

Savannah needed to be changed and went back to sleep after Christa had rocked her to sleep.

After placing Savannah back into the bassinet next to Christa's and Zak's bed, Christa walked into the hallway, calling "Zak, where are you?"

"In my office, baby!" called Zak.

Christa walked downstairs to Zak's office. She found Zak sitting in front of his IMac, dressed in black tank top and the black and red MMA shorts that Christa brought him for his last birthday.

"How come you weren't in bed?" asked Christa.

Turning to face Christa, Zak smiled as he said "I couldn't sleep. How's Savannah? I heard her crying."

"She's okay. She needed to be changed." said Christa.

Christa walked over to Zak and sat herself in his lap. Zak wrapped his arms around Christa's waist.

Looking at Zak, Christa asked "How come you couldn't sleep?"

Zak sighed as he said "I'm just worried."

"About what?" asked Christa.

"About being away from you. Being away from Carson and Savannah." said Zak.

Christa smiled as she said "You enjoyed your maternity leave, huh?"

Zak laughed as he said "Yeah, I have."

Christa laughed as she said "Well, I guess your mom will have to do while you're gone."

Squeezing Christa, Zak said "Funny."

Christa laughed as Zak kissed her on the chin.

"We'll be ok, you know that, baby." said Christa.

"I know. I still don't want to leave." said Zak.

Christa smiled sadly as she said "Everything will work out."

Zak nodded and sighed as he said "I know."

Christa smiled as she said "So, are you excited thou to go back?"

Zak nodded as he said "Yeah, I am actually."

"Good. You need to get out of the house once in awhile." said Christa.

Zak smiled as he placed his hand on Christa's cheek. Rubbing his thumb on her cheek, Zak whispered "I love you, baby."

A Love Story...A Zak Bagans and GAC Story....Where stories live. Discover now