Chapter 18....A Homecoming...

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Zak had been on the road for a week for Ghost Adventures after the twins were born. Jeanne had stepped in a great deal to help Christa take care of the twins. Both Christa and Zak didn't want to hire a nanny or baby-sitter to help them with Carson and Savannah. Both remain determined to care for their children themselves. But since Carson and Savannah were still infants, Jeanne was willing to help out as much as possible. Meredith was often over with her own children in the afternoons to help. As well as Billy's wife, Dianna. So, that week with Zak gone, went smoothly for Christa and the twins.

Just before Zak had left to go back to work, he and Christa had joined a group for parents with multiples and had become fast friends with Beatrice "Bea" and Eric Myerson. Bea and Eric had their own fraternal twins name Kyle and Paige Myerson, who were born exactly 6 days before Carson and Savannah.

Zak and Christa had agreed to make a "date" night with Bea and Eric as soon as Zak got home from work.



Christa was awoken up from Carson crying. She got up and picked Carson up from the bassinet.

Smiling at her son as she sat back in bed, Christa said "Well, little man! Daddy's coming home soon! I bet you're happy about that, huh?"

Carson let out a cry to which Christa sighed as she said "I know, I know. You're hungry." Christa lifted up her shirt so she could breastfeed Carson.

Christa sighed as she stared at her now 2 month, one week old son. Carson looked like a splitting image of his father and was wearing the pj's that Zak picked out, 2 weeks after bring the babies home. A onesie with booties with dark and light blue stripes and in the corner was the words "Daddy's Lil' Sidekick" with a baseball cap in the middle of the words.Christa still couldn't believe that Carson and Savannah looked like Zak. The only difference was that Savannah had Christa's lips: thin on top and full on the bottom.

Glancing at the clock, Christa noticed it read 7:15am. She had just put Savannah back to bed after giving her a bottle. Savannah had stopped breastfeeding. She was Daddy's little girl and preferred to be fed by Zak. So, Christa pumped milk for Savannah so she could be fed by bottle and mainly, breastfed Carson.

As Carson was finishing up, Christa heard a car pull into their drive. Standing up to burp Carson, Christa said "That must be Grandma. She's early this morning."

And with that, Carson burped loudly and after a gentle rock by Christa was soon back to sleep.

Christa put Carson back in his bassinet and walked into the hallway.

She had heard the front door shut and as she reached the bottom step that reached the living room, Christa said "Hi, Mom!"

"Hi, Mom? Funny, I thought I was Daddy."

Stunned, Christa's eyes became huge as she said "Zak?"

"Hi, baby! I'm home!" said Zak.

Standing there in black combat boots, camouflage pants and a plain black t-shirt, Zak smiled as he opened his arms to Christa.

Christa ran to Zak, threw her arms around his neck and started to kiss Zak passionately.

Zak moaned slightly as he cupped Christa's rear in his hands and squeezed her butt cheeks tightly.

Christa yelped slightly in Zak's mouth, who in turned laughed.

Christa pulled away and slapped Zak playfully in the chest. Zak laughed as he pulled Christa close to him and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Wrapping her arms around Zak's neck again, Christa asked "How come you're home early, baby? You aren't suppose to come home for another 3 days!"

Smiling, Zak said "We got done early. I wanted to surprise you."

Smiling back, Christa said "Well, you did surprise me. I missed you."

Leaning in Zak whispered "I missed you more."

Zak began kissing Christa's neck. His hands started to find his way up Christa's shirt towards her breasts and finding her braless, Zak began running his finger around Christa's right nipple.

Yelping slightly, Christa slapped Zak playfully on the shoulder.

Laughing, Zak looked up at her and asked "What?

Looking serious, Christa said "I just got done breastfeeding Carson. I'm still tender."

Zak sighed as he pulled away. Grabbing Christa's hand, he led them over to the couch. As Christa sat on his lap and as he wrapped his arms around her waist, he asked "How are our babies? I missed them."

Christa smiled as she said "They're good. Your mom and I took them to their 2 month old checkup. Savannah's now 9 pounds 8 ounces and 24 inches long. And Carson's 10 pounds 3 ounces and 24 and a half inches long."

Rubbing Christa's back, Zak smiled as he said "Dang. They're growing up much too fast."

"And getting heavy too." said Christa.

Smiling as he ran his hand up her shirt this time in the back, Zak said "Did I tell you how much I missed you, too?"

Leaning her head on his shoulder, Christa said "You did. But I can't get enough of you saying it."

Zak laughed as he asked "So, do you think we have enough time to make love before Carson or Savannah wakes up?"

Looking at Zak as she laughed, Christa said "Is that all you think of? Making love?"

Zak laughed as he said "No, not quite. I can't stop thinking about making love with you, Mrs. Bagans."

Leaning into Zak's ear, Christa whispered "I think we have time."

Looking at Christa, Zak asked "Really?"

Christa nodded as she said "Besides, I can feel you getting hard."

Zak laughed as he pulled Christa's white shirt over her head.

Sighing, Zak said "Wow, baby. Your breasts are still SO full."

Christa blushed slightly as Zak placed his thumb and forefinger around Christa's right nipple. Zak squeezed as Christa yelped.

Zak smiled as Christa swung her legs over Zak's lap. They made love with Christa on Zak's lap right there in on the couch.

Sighing as she kissed Zak, Christa said "Welcome home, baby."

Zak smiled as he kissed Christa back, he said "I love you, baby."

Christa smiled as she said "I love you, more."

Christa got off Zak just in time. There was a knock on the door and both Christa and Zak heard "Christa! It's me! Is Zak home?"

It was Jeanne.

Blushing deeply, Christa grabbed her shirt to put it back on and Zak fixed his pants while Christa grabbed her shirt.

Putting back on her shirt, Christa said "Coming, Mom!"

What Zak and Christa didn't know was that it was Christa's fertile period and Christa will soon become pregnant, yet again.



A Love Story...A Zak Bagans and GAC Story....Where stories live. Discover now