Chapter 1 - Fights

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*Savannah's Point of View*

I got chills as I walked into the large but full library. Everyone was doing their own thing, whether it was studying, reading or quietly talking.

I looked around for a brief second before noticing our small group of "friends" at the back table in the corner. I called them "friends" because I'm not sure if we are friends. No one ever says anything, we're just strangers who sit together.

I took a seat at the circular table between Sam and Ian. There's only five of us; Sam, Ian, Dan, Caroline and me Savannah.

Out of the five of us I was closest with Sam. She is my closest friend and we talked sometimes. None of us really have any best friends or boyfriends and girlfriends. We just have each other. Sure it might seem a little sad and boring but we sometimes we laugh together and discuss books we've been reading.

I was currently in the middle of a not very well known book that I was really enjoying.

Ian leaned over and whispered into my ear "You know, I really like that book. It was pretty intense though." He smiled a little smile. I just looked at him and nodded. I never noticed how blue his eyes were. He quickly returned to his book and I did the same.

We read for awhile and then I heard our loud annoying bell. Which indicated next class was starting soon. Only Ian and I stood up and walked away from the table. The others must not have class right now.

Ian and I quietly walked to class together.

"Hey look it's two of those weird quiet people!" Some boy yelled. He came over quickly and using his hand, hit Ian and I's books to the floor.

Ian quickly bent down before I could and picked up both of our books. "Dick." I heard Ian mutter.

The large high schooler boy stopped in his tracks and turned around, "What was that?" He said loudly.

"N-Nothing.." Ian stuttered.

"Don't pretend like I didn't hear that." He said coming slightly closer to Ian.

"They why did you ask, idiot?" He smirked.

Before I knew it, the large boy's fist came crashing into Ian's jaw. I wanted to scream but I didn't know how. I don't think I've ever screamed before.

The large guy started punching and kicking Ian like some kind of rag doll. In seconds, a large crowd of people gathered around started cheering and clapping. I stood in horror as I watched him beat Ian senseless. I thought about getting a teacher or someone but I was scared that if I left Ian, they would kill him.

After a couple long minutes, he stopped. He literally spit on Ian and walked away. The crowd quickly dispersed and Ian and I were left alone.

I bent down to check if he was breathing. I put my ear against his chest and I could hear very faint breaths.

"Ian?" I said.

Nothing. He was unconscious.

I struggled with lifting him up and I put his arm around my shoulder and literally dragged him to the nurse's office.

After walking for what felt like a mile, we finally got to the right door.

I told the nurse what happened and she helped me put Ian onto the bed.

"You can go to class now, I can take care of him." She happily said.

"No, it's okay. I want to stay with him. He's my friend." I said with a smile.

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