Chapter 16 - Valentine's Day

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*Savannah's Point of View*

It's been a month since the accident. Ian's been good, health wise but he's never quite been the same since the accident.. He's always disappearing during the day and he never tells me where he's going. He talks differently then he used to. He's just changed.

"Hey!" I yelled as I walked into Ian's house.

"Upstairs!" He yelled back to me.

I took my shoes off and walked upstairs.

"Hey what's up-" I looked over at Ian, he was crying. "Ian? What's wrong babe?" I asked while walking over to him on his bed.

"I-I don't know." He said in between sobs.

"Come here." I said while sitting down on his bed and he put his head on my lap.

I kissed his forehead and played with his hair.

"I'm sorry Savannah." He simply said.

"Sorry for what Ian?" I asked.

"For being so distant and not being there for you when you're always there for me." He said.

"I know you're always there for me. It's just been a rough month for both of us. Come here." I said and he sat up.

I put my hands on his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss. It was a sweet kiss full of need and want.

*Ian's Point of View*

I'm falling apart. I don't know how to be me anymore. I'm always second guessing what I'm doing, if I'm doing the right thing, if in making the right choices.

It's February now and Valentine's Day is just around the corner. I need to do something super amazing for Savannah since I haven't really been here for her this past month.

I knew that I had to take her to that lake we jumped into that first day together. It already feels like a lifetime ago.

I put my jacket on, grabbed my car keys and headed for the door to go to the store.

I turned the radio on in the car and hummed along to every song I knew. Soon enough, I was there.

I went in and bought a few things, I got back into my car to go home.

*Valentine's Day*

Finally. The day I've been waiting for. I have everything planned for Savannah. If I know her, I know she'll love this.

"Hey Dan." I answered my phone.

"Hey, I have a problem... And I need some advice." He trailed off.

"Uh, okay hit me." I said, casually.

"I'm in love." He said, quickly.

"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. With who? When did this happen?" I said quickly.

"I've been in love with her for a long time.." He said.

"Okay, who!?" I practically yelled into my phone.

"Sam." He simply answered.

"No way! That's awesome! When did you start to like her?" I asked.

"Remember that party we threw at your cabin a few months ago." He said.


"I was the guy she danced with and kissed."

"Holy fuck. That's awesome Dan! Well there's no better day to tell her you love than Valentine's Day. So, go get her bro!" I said.

"Thanks Ian. Talk to ya soon. I'll tell you how everything goes."

And with that, we hung up.

Of course Dan loves Sam. Everything makes sense.

I looked at my watch, 6:48 pm.

"Shit!" I yelled out loud. I need to get going if I'm ever going to get my plan set up.

I ran up to my rooms and grabbed my bag full of magical secrets and ran for my car.

This is going to be perfect.

The Quiet Ones (Ian Hecox)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu