Chapter 10 - Emergency

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*Ian's Point of View*

We slowly got out of the river and each of us went behind our own tree and changed back into our dry clothes.

I'm pretty sure I've been blushing this whole time, but I didn't care.

We were still both shivering and I knew I had to give her my sweater.

"Here you go." I said while handing it to her.

She smiled and took it then put it on.

We were both standing there for a few seconds in an awkward silence until I decided to break it. "Savannah Mackenzie Brooks, I believe we have a choice in this world. We can either continue in silence and live an unhappy life or we can take a leap of faith and change everything. I took and leap of faith or I knew from the moment that I met you, that I made the right choice. Savannah, I love you." I smiled and looked deeply into her eyes, waiting for a response.

Suddenly, she started crying and she hugged me. I hugged her tighter.

We pulled away and I asked her "Savannah, what's wrong?"

"I never thought I could feel this way. Let on feel all these feelings because of you. I love you Ian Andrew Hecox." We both smiled and I pulled her in for a kiss.

It was a passionate kiss and it was our own way of saying 'I love you.'

Everything felt perfect. Everything was coming together.

Nobody could have predicted what would happen next.

*Ian's Point of View*

I held her hand as she drove the both of us home. I usually never let anyone but me drive my car but I trusted her.

We were listening to some stupid song on the radio while we were driving on the highway.

It was getting pretty late, I checked the time on the clock '10:52'.

'Oh shit. We're going to be late.' I thought. 'Oh well. It was worth it.'

"Ah, that asshole won't turn his brights off." Savannah said, gesturing to the car coming towards us. She held a hand up to try and block the light from her eyes but it wasn't very effective.

"Savannah! Watch out!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as soon as the car with the bright lights started swerving towards us.

I remember hearing a loud crash, seeing bright lights for a second and then everything went black.

*Savannah's Point of View*

"Ian.." I tried to say.

I slowly looked over to the passenger seat. Ian's face was covered in blood and his hair was all over the place, we must be upside down.

"Ian?" I tried to yell but it came out more as a whisper.

I looked up and reached my arm that was covered in blood to my phone. I dialled 911.

"911 what's your emergency?" A lady asked.

"I was just in a car accident, my friends unconscious and bleeding. Please send help." I said.

"Okay Mam. We're tracking your phone right now and help is on the way." She said.

That was the last thing I heard.

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