Chapter 17 - Glow

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*Savannah's Point of View*

I was laying on my bed, reading. It was just a normal Saturday evening. Then all of a sudden my phone rang, I reached over to my nightstand and looked at the caller ID.


"Hey babe. What's up?" I asked, putting my bookmark into my book and throwing it on my bed.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" He said.

Oh shit. I had no idea it was Valentine's Day. I obviously took to long to respond because Ian said "You forgot didn't you."

"Yeah.. I'm sorry. But happy Valentine's Day!" I laughed.

"It's fine because today is all about my beautiful girlfriend. And being able to do something special for you. Could you be ready in an hour and I'll pick you up for the special date I've planned." He said.

"Awe, of course! Okay I'll see you in an hour." I said and hung up.

I ran around like a crazy person, putting makeup on, trying on a billion different outfits.

My room looked like a tornado went through it by the time I was done.

It was about 8:30 by the time I finished getting ready.

I grabbed by purse and ran for the door.

I opened the door and closed it behind me.

I turned around and saw Ian, dressed in a suit leaning against the passenger's car door.

I was frozen in place. Ian walked over to me, grabbed my hand and led me to the car. He opened my car door and closed it after me.

"Are you ready babe?" He asked once he was in the car.

"You didn't have to go through this much trouble for me." I said honestly.

"Of course I did! A girl like you needs to have dates like this everyday. You deserve the best." He said, glancing over at me while he was driving.

"And I do have the best." I said and kissed his cheek. "So where are we going on this fine night?"

"Somewhere very special to the both of us." He replied.

We drove for awhile until he came to a sudden stop.

"The lake! Of course, I should've known." I laughed. I could see a little bit of the water but that was it.

He got out quickly and practically ran to my side of the car to open the door for me.

"Thank you." I said as I got out.

"Okay, you have to close your eyes." He told me.

"Okay." I put my hands over my eyes and he guided me as I walked.

"Okay, open in 3.. 2.. 1." He said.

I took my hands off my eyes and I was breathless.

I looked around. There was glowing stars and snowflakes hanging from the trees in this little patch of forest next to the lake. There was a blanket on the ground surrounded my candles. Despite it being night, everything was lit up. I could see candles all the way leading up to the end of the dock.

"Oh my god Ian.." I said, tears pricking my eyes. "It's perfect. I love you so much."

He walked over to me and kissed me sweetly. "And you know that I love you, Savannah. More than anything."

We spent awhile sitting on the blanket, snacking on food Ian brought and just talking.

"Can we jump in the lake?" I asked Ian.

"Look at you. Being all crazy and suggesting to jump into a lake in the middle of February." He laughed. "Of course we can."

I took my jacket off and my dress. It was winter in California and it wasn't too cold. But still pretty cold.

Ian and I were both in our underwear and he grabbed my hand and led me to the dock.

"You're crazy Ian Hecox and I love you." I told him.

He kissed me and started to count down.

"3.. 2.. 1!" He yelled and we both jumped into the lake.

The familiar coldness of the lake that I haven't felt in months filled my body.

I swam over to Ian and he held me in his arms. We swam around for awhile.

After about ten minutes, the cold became unbearable.

"Savannah, can you come home with me?" Ian asked, clearly embarrassed.

I nodded and kissed him, trying to make him feel less embarrassed.

We packed up our things and got into Ian's car.

He parked his car in his driveway and we got out. I noticed that his parents car wasn't in their driveway.

'Of course.' I thought. He had everything planned out.

The night was filled with love and want. We didn't just have sex, we showed each other how much we loved each other.

We were madly in love and I felt like we were inseparable.

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