Epilogue - Final

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*10 Years Later*

*Ian's Point of View*

"Daddy! Daddy! Wake up!" I heard my 4 year old son Anthony yelling as he jumped on top of me. Anthony was named after my friend who didn't make it in the hospital all those years ago.

"Okay! Okay! I'm up!" I laughed and hugged my only son.

"Do you know where Mommy is?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Can you tell me?" I asked.

He shook his head. I picked him up in my arms and walked out of the bedroom.

"Surprise!" Savannah and Anthony yelled as I entered the kitchen.

There was a big banner above the dining table that said 'Happy Birthday!' and a big plate of pancakes right under it.

I put Anthony down and walked over to my beautiful wife.

"Good morning." I said after I kissed her on the lips. She still looks as beautiful as she did the first day I saw her.

I walked over to our 2 year old daughter Amelia in her special chair and kissed on the top of the head which caused her to smile and giggle.

I sat down at the table with my beautiful family and ate some pancakes.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked after I finished my breakfast.

"Whatever you want babe." Savannah said.

Everyone was looking at me, expecting an answer.

"Disney!" I yelled and threw my arms in the arms. Anthony and Amelia screamed and threw their arms in the air too.

"Disney it is then!" Savannah said, clearing the table. "Everyone go get your stuff ready! We leave in an hour!"

I took Amelia out of her chair and we all ran to our rooms. Grabbing extra clothes and stuff we thought we needed, but really didn't.

An hour later, we were all in the car and ready to go.

When we arrived at Disney, both the kids were asleep. Savannah unpacked the car while I woke up the kids.

I turned around from the front seat and yelled "We're at Disney!" They instantly woke up and started happily screaming.

We got the kids out, got all of our stuff and paid for the tickets.

"What do you want to do first?" Savannah asked the kids.

A few seconds later they were screaming and running towards Mickey Mouse. Savannah and I finally caught up to them.

We took pictures with every Disney character they knew and went on so many fun rides.

My phone stated to ring. I looked at the caller ID and smiled.

"Hey you guys!" I said.

"Happy Birthday!" I heard Sam and Dan yell.

Dan eventually grew some balls and told Sam how he felt about her and turns out she felt the same way. They were together through high school and college and got married a year after Savannah and I. They recently just had their first child, a girl named Brooke.

We talked for awhile and I explained where we were and what's been going on in our lives. After I hung up, we continued taking pictures of the kids and going on rides.

When we finally arrived home both Anthony and Amelia were asleep.

I carried Amelia and Anthony while Savannah carried all of our stuff. I tucked both kids into bed and kissed their heads.

I walked to our bedroom where Savannah was already laying down in bed. Not asleep but just laying there.

She kissed me and said "How'd you like your birthday?"

"It was absolutely amazing and I love you guys so much."

"Well, it isn't over yet." She smirked and winked at me.

A few weeks later, we found out we were expecting our third child and we couldn't be more excited.

Sometimes, I wonder how my life would've turned out if I didn't speak up that one day. Would Savannah and I ended up together anyways or we would we eventually find someone else?

To me, it didn't matter. I loved Savannah, Anthony, Amelia, our new baby and all our amazing friends.

Everything was perfect.

The End.

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