Chapter 6 - Rope Ladders

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*Ian's Point of View*

"You did what!?" My mom yelled at me.

"I threw a party." I said sadly, hoping for a little sympathy.

"What happened to our quiet boy that we loved?" My dad said with a hand touching his face.

"He's gone! I'm just trying to live my life!" I yelled at them and started walking to my room.

"You're grounded for a week! Don't bother coming out of your room!" My mom yelled at me.

I honestly kind of expected this. I knew they'd find out somehow. But I also knew I had to do this. For Savannah.

She's all I think about. She's always on my mind. I have no idea if she likes me or if she doesn't. I don't know how to tell her I have feelings for her or even if I should. I'm in the dark with her.

{I got grounded.} -Ian

{What! That sucks.} -Savannah

{Can we hang out?} -Ian

{How? You're grounded} -Savannah

{I have a window in my room. I'll help you sneak in.} -Ian

{Hahaha okay sounds like a plan} -


*Savannah's Point of View*

"Hey mom! Can I borrow your car? I'm going to Ian's place." I yelled from upstairs.

"Sure honey! Be back before 11!" She yelled.

I honestly think I have one of the most laid back moms in the world.

I grabbed the car keys from the counter and made my way to the car.

It was a ten minute drive to Ian's house. I knew better than to park right in front of his house because that would make his parents suspicious, so I parked a block away.

"Ian!" I whispered/yelled while looking at what I assumed was his bedroom window.

"Here!" He said.

After a few seconds, a rope ladder dropped down and I started to climb. I jumped through his window and quietly landed on the floor.

"What's up?" He casually asked.

"Not much, just climbing rope ladders and sneaking into friends houses. The usual." I joked and he laughed.

We spent the next few hours talking and watching different movies. Totally ignoring the fact that we had school the next morning. I hate Mondays.

"Ian what time is it?" I asked him.

I had my legs across his thighs while we watched some dumb comedy on his couch.

"Twenty till 11." He said while looking at his watch.

"Ugh. I have to go. I have to be home by 11. We can't both be grounded, now can we." I said.

We both stood up and we hugged and he said "Thanks for coming and keeping me company."

"No problem, anytime." I smiled.

He put the rope ladder back and I got through the window and took one last look at Ian.

"See you tomorrow." I said.

He smiled and nodded.

I got home just before 11. I threw the cars keys onto the counter and yelled to my parents "I'm home!"

My mom came through the living room door and said "Did you have fun? What did you do?"

"We just hung out and watched some stupid movie." I replied.

"So tell me about this Ian. How'd you two meet?" She asked while she took a seat at our dining table.

"We started talking a few days ago, during library. Then we just became friends. We have a lot in common and he's a really cool guy."

"Do you like him?" She asked. There's the question I was waiting for.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"Well I like this boy and I think he'd be good for you." She smiled.

"Good to know. Well I'm going to sleep. G'night mom." I said and walked off.

It took me forever to fall asleep. Two questions were on my mind the whole time.

Do I like Ian?

Does Ian like me?

I have no idea. I like Ian as a friend. But as a boyfriend? I don't know. I try to just ignore it and fall asleep.

I finally fell asleep and then it felt like five minutes later my alarm went off.

"Great." I said to myself.

I yawned and dragged myself out of bed. I took a quick shower and got ready. I checked my phone one last time before I left.

One text from Ian.

{Walk with me to school?} -Ian

{Sure! Meet me halfway between our houses then we can walk} -Savannah

{See you soon} -Ian

Guess I'm walking to school.

Ian and I met up exactly where I said.

The school day went by surprisingly quickly. A few people came up to the four of us saying how awesome our party was but most probably still knew us as 'The Quiet Ones.' Before I knew it I was back home and watching tv.

The whole day, I tried to pick up on any hints that Ian liked me but nothing indicated that he did.

I guess that answers that question.

Ian doesn't like me.

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