Chapter 8 - I Missed You

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*Savannah's Point of View*

Finally. Friday. Everyone's favourite day of the week. I was super excited because tomorrow was the last day Ian would be grounded and then we can finally hang out without him having to lie to his parents or sneak me in to his room using a rope ladder.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't even notice I was bumping into multiple people in the hallway.

"Hey, watch it!" Someone yelled.

I muttered an apology but I assume they didn't hear it.

"What's your problem any way?" The same person yelled at me.

I turned around and saw the same high school boy that had punched Ian and that Ian had punched back. The instant I saw him, a huge lump formed in my throat. He still had a bruise right under his eye, just like Ian said.

"I-I'm sorry.." I said quietly, paralyzed in fear.

"Sorry ain't gonna cut it. Look what your friend did to me." He said while pointing to his bruise under his eye.

The loud and annoying bell rang, and everyone started to leave.

"I-I'm sorry." I said, slightly louder this time.

"I guess I'll get just as much satisfaction in hurting you, as I would hurting him." He smirked.

I looked around quickly for anyone who could help me but we were the only two in the hallway.

"No one to save you." He darkly laughed.

The second after the evil words left his mouth, I felt a horrible pain in the left side of my face. My vision started to blur and I couldn't even defend myself.

I kept feeling horrible pain in all different parts of my body until I couldn't feel anything anymore and I eventually fell to the floor.

I tried to yell for help but nothing would come out.

I tried to defend myself but I was too weak.

I tried to predict his next move but I couldn't see where he was.

After what felt like an eternity, my vision slowly started to fade to black.

*Ian's Point of View*

"What!?" I yelled at Sam.

"I just heard she was in the hospital!" She yelled back at me.

It was between the last and second last period of the day and Sam had just told me she heard that Savannah was in the hospital.

"Why? What happened!" I ran my hands through my hair.

"I don't know! Go find out! Just skip last period! She missed half the day for you, the least you could do is miss last period." She calmly said.

"Okay. I know you're right." I sighed and gave in.

"I always am." She laughed.

"Do you know what hospital?" I asked.

"Mercy General Hospital. 4001 J Street." She replied.

"Thanks!" I yelled while running for the door.

*20 minutes later*

"Hey, I was wondering if you could tell me what room Savannah Brooks is in?" I asked the receptionist.

"Room 302, second floor, third door on your left." She simply replied.

I thanked her and quickly made my way to the elevator.

I followed her directions and sure enough there was Savannah, lying on a small white bed, unconscious.

A few minutes later, a doctor walked into the room.

"Hey, could you tell me what happened?" I asked him.

"We have no idea. A teacher brought her in saying that she found her unconscious in the middle of the hallway. She has a slight concussion and multiple wounds to the face and side." He told me.

I looked over at her. She had small cuts and bruises of all different colours on her face.

"Do you have any idea who could have done this?" I asked the doctor.

"Well, based on the amount of damage done, I would say someone roughly twice her size. I'd say a male." He replied.

When he said that, I knew exactly who did it. It was just a question of why her and not me.

The doctor left the room and it was just me and her.

I would wait here all night if I had to. I would be here when she woke up.

Hours have passed, and she was still asleep. All I wanted to hear is her voice saying she missed me or explaining what happened.

I was playing a stupid game on my phone when I heard a very faint "Ian?" It was barely a whisper.

I shot up from my chair and sure enough, she was awake.

"Savannah!" I said happily.

"What happened? Where am I? Why does my head hurt so much?" She asked me, very confused.

"Well, you're in Mercy General Hospital. A teacher found you unconscious in the hallway and brought you here. You have a concussion and some cuts and bruises everywhere." I explained to her. "Do you remember what happened? Or who did this to you?"

"Not a clue." She replied. "But I know, that I missed you." She smiled.

My face instantly went into a smile and I laughed a little.

"Could you spend the night with me here?" She asked me.

"Of course I can." I smiled.

"Here." She said while moving over to make some room for me on her small bed.

I put my arm around her shoulders and she cuddled into my chest.

"Goodnight Ian." She whispered.

"Goodnight Savannah." I replied and kissed the top of her head.

I had the best sleep of my life with her in my arms.

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