Chapter 5 - Love Somebody

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*Savannah's Point of View*

Everyone sort of showed up at once. Soon everyone was dancing and laughing. There was way to many people inside the cabin so half the party moved to outside.

It was insanity. There were people everywhere, in the water, inside the cabin, on the roof, in the backyard.

I have never seen anything like it before. But I liked it.

"Hey!" Someone said behind me. I turned around to see a tipsy Ian.

"Hey! What's up?" I asked him while I sipped from my red cup, which I'm not sure what it contained.

"Not much. Just drinking. Having fun. Dancing." He said and then took another sip of his drink.

"How'd those people get on the roof?" I asked him and pointed upwards.

"What the hell?" He yelled and I laughed and slightly choked on my drink.

Ian and I spent most of the time hanging out together and with the occasional drunk stranger who complemented our party.

Then I saw him coming.

It was the guy who beat up Ian.

"Hey look." I whispered to Ian while discretely trying to point. I looked quickly at Ian's light bruise on his jaw and a small cut above his left eye.

"I think it's my turn to do some damage." Ian said.

"Ian! Don't! Get back over here." I tried to quietly yell but it was too late. He was confidently walking towards the jerk.

He tapped the large guy on the shoulder and he turned around with a small smile on his face that quickly faded once Ian punched him in the face.

The boy held his face with one hand while trying to hit Ian with the other. Ian kneed him in the stomach and he fell over.

Soon, a crowd gathered around and was cheering. They were cheering for Ian. Ian kicked the boy a few times in the side and then walked away.

A few of the boys lifted up Ian onto their shoulders.

"Hey what's your name kid?" One of the guys asked him.

"Ian." He replied.

Then they started yelling "Ian! Ian Ian!"

Ian looked over at me and I smiled. He just shrugged and continued smiling and laughing.

After awhile, the boys finally put Ian down and he walked over to me.

"That was pretty crazy." I said to him. "I didn't even know you could do that." I laughed.

"Neither did I. I just sorta- did it." He smiled.

"Must be the liquor." I said. "I like this side of Ian. Not the beating people up side, but the confident side."

"Yeah, me too." He smiled.

Around 4 am, almost everyone was gone, except for the few passed out people in the backyard.

Dan, Sam, and I were sitting at the breakfast bar while Ian made us some sandwiches.

"I think that was pretty successful." Dan laughed.

"I kissed a boy." Sam said suddenly.

"What?!" All three of us yelled.

"He was cute and we were dancing and then he kissed me." Sam explained.

"Well what was his name?" I asked her.

"I don't know!" She said and all of us laughed.

We ate our food and then decided to go to sleep. Sam and I got to share the big bed and the boys each took a couch.

All of us were awake by noon and we were the only 4 on the property.

Someone must have drove all the passed out people home or something. I'm not really sure.

We spent most of the day cleaning and talking and laughing.

By supper time, Dan and Sam had left to go home. Ian had asked me if I wanted to hang out a little longer and I agreed.

"Want to go swimming?" Ian asked me while we were eating some supper.

"Sure. I brought a bathing suit. Just give me a few minutes." I said and walked away from the breakfast bar. I remember the last time I hung out with Ian, I needed a swimsuit so I brought one this time as a precaution.

*Ian's Point of View*

I cleaned up our dishes and looked around the house. Everything looked the way it did when we got here.

I quickly changed into my swimming trunks and then waited for Savannah on the dock.

She came out of the cabin and my jaw almost dropped to the ground. She looked stunning.

"Ready?" I asked with a lump in my throat as she approached me.

She nodded and said "What's with you and jumping into water in the middle of October?"

I shrugged and started counting down. "3! 7! 18! 4! 9! 1!"

We both jumped into the cold water and laughed.

We swam around for awhile but we soon stopped and just started talking.

"You know, you never told me your story Ian." She said.

"Why? Wanna hear it?" I asked.

She quickly nodded and I began. "Well I was born November 30th, 1987. I've always been kind of an outsider. I've never had too many friends even when I was a kid. Then one day I realized that sitting at a table, reading, won't get me anywhere in life. I decided to make a huge change and try to be confident and hopefully everything would change and I'd be happy. It seems to be working so far." I smiled.

We kept talking but eventually we got out of the water.

"Will you drive me home?" She asked me.

I nodded. We changed and then half an hour later, we were off.

We got into the car and she turned on the radio.

"Oh! I love this song!" She exclaimed and turned it up.

She sang along and once we got to the chorus I finally recognized it.

It was "Love Somebody" by Maroon 5.

We started singing together:

"I really wanna love somebody.

I really wanna dance the night away.

I know we're only half way there.

But you can take me all the way, you can take me all the way."

We were laughing and singing but every line in that song reminded me of her.

I know I was falling in love.

And I know I was falling fast.

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