Chapter 9 - River

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*Savannah's Point of View*

It has been a week since the accident in the hallway and since then the high school boy who's name I still don't know, has been expelled. What a relief.

I still have bruises and cuts all over my body but I'm getting better for the most part. Ian has been helping me a lot. Like carrying my books to class for me or opening doors for me.

Ian and I have been hanging out pretty often for the past few weeks. Whether it was just hanging out at someone's house doing homework or going out and trying new things.

Ian and I have been trying to get rid of "The Quiet Ones" from everyone's vocabulary but it's not working too well.

I guess once you are known for something it sticks.

Saturday. My favourite day. Ian and I usually hang out on Saturdays.

I rubbed my eyes and looked over at my bedside for my phone. I felt around until I found it.

A new message.

{Wanna go somewhere today?} -Ian

I thought about it for a second and then typed {Sure! Where to today?}


{I have something in mind} -Ian

{Pick me up in 20?} -Savannah

{See you then} -Ian

I quickly jumped out of bed, excited of the idea of Ian and I hanging out.

I quickly picked out a cute casual outfit and packed a swimsuit because with Ian, you never know what you might end up doing. I quickly put on some makeup and looked in the mirror.

I heard the doorbell ring and I ran out my room yelling "It's for me!"

I opened the door and saw Ian. His face lit up and so did mine.

"Hello Ian, how are you?" My mom asked from behind me.

"I'm wonderful, thanks for asking. And yourself?" He replied politely.

"I'm great, well, you two go and have fun." She smiled and walked off.

Ian and I walked out the door and towards his blue car that I love so much.

"Sorry about that." I said when we got into the car.

"Haha it's okay." He just laughed it off.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise. But I will say this. You better be hungry." I smirked.

Oh god. What are we going to do.

We drove for a long time and we sang along to every song we knew on the radio.

Soon, I had no idea where we were. It looked like the middle of nowhere. We were surrounded by fields and dirt roads.

"Ian, are you going to murder me?" I joked.

He just laughed and shook his head.

The car came to a stop and he said "Here we are."

"Where exactly is here?" I asked while looking out the car windows.

"Your guess is as good as mine. I just drove and got lost. I thought over there would be a good spot." He smiled.

"A good spot for..?" I asked while I looked at him confused.

"A picnic!" He yelled.

I smiled and laughed as we exited the car.

We walked through a small field to a patch of trees. We came to a small river and decided it was the perfect spot.

"Wow it's beautiful here." I said while biting down on a piece of watermelon.

"Yeah it is. Savannah, you know me well enough to know that you should be prepared for anything right?" He asked.

I nodded and continued eating my food.

"Let's go swimming." He said.

I laughed and pulled out my swimsuit from my bag which made him laugh.

"Okay, I'm going to change behind a tree. You better not look!" I told him.

He laughed and promised he wouldn't look.

About a minute later we were both changed and ready to jump into a cold river in the end of October. The leaves were falling all around us and it was a truly beautiful place.

"Okay ready?" Ian asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I laughed.

"Okay we'll run into it together on the count of three. Ready?" I nodded. "1! 2! 3!"

The water was freezing but neither of us cared.

We were young and we were free.

We played in the water for awhile despite the cold.

"Hey! No splashing!" I yelled.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of me splashing you!" Ian yelled back and I just laughed.

Ian swam closer and we started talking.

"You look cold" he said.

"So do you, you goof." I laughed.

"Here." He said. He picked me up bridal style in the water to keep me warm.

"Better?" He asked.

I nodded and cuddled into his bare chest while we floated together.

"You know, you've completely flipped my life upside down these last few weeks Ian." I said.

He nodded and I continued. "You flipped it for the better."

I got out of his arms and looked at him in the eyes. His eyes flickered between my eyes and my lips. Suddenly but cautiously, his hand cupped my cheek and my hands were on either side of his face.

We slowly leaned in and our lips met. His warm lips made me forget about the cold instantly. The kiss was slow but perfect and when we pulled away we put our foreheads together.

It felt like that was the last hit needed to break down my invisible shell walls.

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