Chapter 11 - Beat The Odds

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*Savannah's Point of View*

I was awake. I could feel my body but I couldn't see anything. I tried to open my eyes but nothing happened.

It took a few minutes and a lot of concentrating but I finally got my extremely heavy eyelids open.

For awhile everything was just a blur of colours and shapes, but minute after minute, everything started coming together.

I tilted my head to the side. I saw my mother. She looked the same way she always did, beautiful.

"Mom?" I whispered.

Her eyes shot up from the book she was reading and she rushed to my bed.

"Savannah?" She practically yelled. "Savannah honey, what's wrong?"

"Water.." I croaked.

She reached over to my bedside table and handed me a glass full of a clear liquid. With trembling hands, I took it and raised the glass to my mouth.

It tasted amazing. I was always fascinated by the taste of water, and I often tried to describe it.

"Better?" My mother asked taking the glass from my hands.

I nodded.

Everything felt okay again. But then the realization hit me.

"Where's Ian!?" I practically yelled.

She mother's face dropped and she looked at the floor.

"Is he- is he dead?" I felt the tears in my eyes.

"No, but he isn't well." She said, sadly.

"Tell what happened. From the very beginning." I said forcefully.

"Well, you were hit head on by a drunk driver-" She began but I cut her off.

"A drunk driver!?" I yelled. "Is this going to be the same situation with Alyssa only Ian is taking her place this time?"

"Don't ever talk about your sister like she was just a sad part of your life. She was my daughter and your sister. Not just a sad part of your life." She said.

"I-I'm sorry.." I didn't know where to begin. "Please continue." I said awkwardly, trying to avoid the subject of my sister.

"Well after you called 911, your dad and I got a phone call and we rushed over to the hospital." She explained. "Savannah, you've been asleep for 4 days. And we didn't know if you were going to wake up." She started to cry. It wasn't just a few tears rolling down her cheek, it was a waterfall coming out of her eyes.

I moved over in the bed to make room for her to lay with me. When she laid down it was awkward and it hurt but I ignored the pain. I ignored it for her.

We laid there for awhile before she continue. "I-Ian hasn't woken up yet. We don't know if he will. He has some serious head trauma."

I started to cry.

"Savannah. Ian's in a coma." She said.

I lost it. I started to break down. I felt like everything that has happened in these few weeks were for nothing.

It took me 3 days. 3 days, to gather the courage to visit the boy I have fallen in love with.

I couldn't bare what I saw. He had huge cuts and multiple stitches in his face. He was as pale as a ghost and the only thing keeping him from dying was the life support he was on.

I had talked to his parents a few times. They hugged me and we would cry together. Then my parents would come in and we'd all cry together in a cramped little hospital room.

One day in particular was the worst. It was the second time I had seen Ian. They first time was only brief because I couldn't take it.

This time I was prepared.

I sat in an uncomfortable chair and looked at him. I grabbed his hand and started to let my feelings pour out.

"Ian, I don't know if you can hear me. I doubt it but I know that if the tables were turned and I was in your place, you would talk to me too even if I couldn't hear you.

Ian Andrew Hecox, I am madly in love with you. If you didn't speak up that one day, I wouldn't be where I am right now. It's been one hell of a few weeks and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I promise Ian, that we will walk out of this hospital together. Hand in hand or arm in arm.

We will get through this and we will be stronger than ever.

We can beat the odds.

I know we can." I let go of his hand, kissed his forehead and went to walk out of the room.

I stopped in the doorframe and looked back at him.

"I know we will. We can do this Ian."

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