16. Hamilton

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Alexander stomped away from the shop with John Adams's words bouncing around in his head. They didn't hurt his feelings at all, they actually just gave him the motivation that he needed to prove people like Adams wrong. There wasn't anything different from him and Hamilton. They both had a heart (probably), they were both human (debatable), they both lived on planet Earth, the only thing separating the two was the title 'immigrant'. The word itself isn't even supposed to be meant as an insult, but people like Adams turned it into one whenever they opened their mouths to talk about something that they knew nothing about. That seemed to happen a lot.

Add that to the list of things that really annoyed Alex. 

He made his way back to the place where he met Samuel and Charles, hoping to run into them again. He sat down on the edge of a fountain and waited for them to walk by. It was the subtlest way he could think of to get their attention. 

He was waiting for around ten minutes when his phone rang. Since he'd never heard the 'work phone' ring before, Alex assumed that it was his actual phone, which meant that Peter was calling. 

"Did something happen?" Hamilton said when he answered.

"Yes, but not with Rachel."

"Then what's up?"

"What's up?! You want to explain why I'm noticing hundreds of dollars transferred to our bank account!" Peter yelled from the other end of the line. 

"Oh, yeah about that. . ." 


"So I may have taken up jobs again." Alex cowered like he was telling his parent that he broke the most expensive thing in the house, despite Peter not being his parent and not even being able to see him. 

"Alexander! You better have a great explanation for taking that back up! We talked about this, man, its way too dangerous to be doing that."

Alex was about to explain when his 'work phone' chimed in the pocket of the jacket again. He pulled it out and checked the message. It was a totally new number and the message was the creepiest thing that he'd received in a while.

From: unknown
think of this as a secret society. tell anyone about it and you'll regret it.

"Hey, Al, you still there? I'm not mad, I just need an explanation so I know you aren't getting hurt or getting tangled up in anything illegal. Your mom would kill me." Peter's voice pulled him back into the conversation and away from the creepy stalkerish message. 

"Yeah, yeah. Everything's. . . Everything's fine, don't worry. I'm doing way better with it this time, I know what jobs to avoid. It's just for the money and if it gets bad again, I'll quit. Easy." 

From: unknown
no you wont no it isnt and no you cant.

It was quiet for a second before Peter said anything, so Alex was left to stare at the string of messages coming in. Someone could hear his conversation. Well, pretty much everyone around him could, but someone was listening in from the organization. Suddenly everyone around the fountain, whether they were sitting on benches or under trees, seemed suspicious.

"Alright, I'm trusting you here. Don't do anything stupid. I'm serious.

"I know, I know, but I need to go now," Alex said half-heartedly. "I'll call you tonight, okay?"

"Oh, actually I have to work late tonight. Maybe in the morning." 

Something about the way Peter said that made Alex think that he was lying, but he didn't have time to question it. The object of his job was going by and he needed to be ready. He quickly muttered a 'yeah goodbye' and hung up the phone. He pretended to be sliding through some app, looking at hilarious pictures, to get their attention. 

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