28. Hamilton

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Considering there were still a few days until Thanksgiving break, Alexander spent as much time as he possibly could near Thomas. That, of course, led to painful amounts of ironic flirting from Jefferson's side, but Hamilton was more worried about what King would do to either of them, given the chance. Especially after Alex's little outburst to the suspected ringleader of the kidnappings going around on campus.

He couldn't decide if he was doing it for his own protection or Thomas's but spending more time away from Jefferson than he needed to was the last thing that Alexander wanted to do. On the days where Thomas had a class that Alex didn't, he'd just wait somewhere around the building to make sure that Thomas actually left before catching up with him again.

That went on until finally, it was time to go south.

Hamilton threw some clothes in a bag, making sure to leave the gray iPhone in the dorm room instead of taking it with him. Since his outburst, it had been buzzing off the hook with texts from various numbers telling him how screwed he was and how much he'd screwed over Thomas.

Alex hoped that it was like having a bully in elementary school, they'd go away if he just ignored them. That was proving to be the exact opposite. Before he hid it, he got one last text.

from: unknown
leaving the phone will only make this worse for you

Alex was used to getting passive aggressive things like that but this point. "Do this and you'll regret it". So far they were just bluffs, but he didn't really have any way to tell. He shoved the phone under his mattress and left the room with Jefferson.

"So, I take it you're excited to see a huge family?" Jefferson asked sarcastically as they left.


"You've barely left my side since you agreed to go."

"Oh, right, that. Yeah, I guess I'm a little excited," Hamilton said half-heartedly.

"Something wrong?"

Alex scanned his brain to find some believable excuse. He didn't exactly know why he didn't just tell Thomas the truth about the situation, he would have been able to keep himself safe if he knew what was going on. Instead of explaining the truth, Alexander said, "I've never actually had a big family. I had one sibling for ten years and that's it."

"You'll be fine, they'll love you. They can be sort of overwhelming though. And you might have to answer to a few 'Mr. Easy Street' comments, but I might be able to handle those. Oh, and the twins are going through the playing pretend phase so--"

"Now you sound more nervous than I do," Hamilton smirked and playfully bumped Thomas, who tensely laughed.

"Yeah, this might be a disaster but it's too late to turn back now."

The ride down wasn't so terrible. It was six hours of siblings arguing and bad sing-alongs to songs that Mary deemed fitting for a road trip. Every two hours, the car would get pulled over to stop somewhere for a leg stretch and driver switch. Jane said it kept things fair. The only one that didn't drive was Hamilton because the Jeffersons all agreed that him being a guest made him incapable of doing anything that required any work.

They arrived at the surprisingly large house right as it was getting dark out. Thomas and Mary carried in the bags while Jane walked Alex up to the door, explaining some of the rules that she expected him to follow while he was staying with them.

Once Thomas and Mary caught up and they were all at the door, Jane opened the door and held it open for her younger siblings. They set the bags down by the door and didn't have time to do anything else before a slightly chubby girl at the top of the stairs was yelling that they were home.

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