20. Hamilton

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Alexander and Thomas spent three days staying in the apartment. It was quiet. Peter had a couple conversations with them, but they were short and rushed like he was always trying to get somewhere else. Hamilton didn't know where or what was so important that he couldn't stop to have a conversation longer than two minutes, but the two had always respected each other's privacy, so Alex left his cousin alone to do his own thing. 

As the two college kids sat with a pizza in between them on the couch, a show played on the T.V.

"I just don't see how they can get away with hiding all this! That defeats the whole purpose of the show, right? It's criminal investigation!" Thomas shouted as one of the agents destroyed incriminating evidence against another member. 

"It's supposed to make the series more interesting and it shows how far they're willing to go for their friends." 

"They're FBI agents! He's being accused of killing someone, smuggling drugs, all kinds of things that just add up to him being a criminal. And you don't think that it's convenient that the one that doesn't forget anything forgot what happened while he was there?" 

"He was doing it for his mom, though. That's the part that they're thinking of because of his entire backstory." 

Jefferson shrugged and picked up another slice of pizza. "Just saying, maybe they should be focusing on the evidence against him." 

"They know him as a person and that's enough for them," Alex replied. He looked down at his personal phone that was buzzing on the table and furrowed his brows at the number. Thomas looked over at him in confusion. Hamilton waved it off and took the phone into the kitchen to answer it. 

Once he was in the other room, he heard the show pause and could imagine Thomas leaning over the back of the couch to see what was happening. Alex kept his voice down when he answered the phone. 

"Mr. Hamilton?


Alex listened closely as the doctor told him the situation before he bolted out of the kitchen. He rushed out what was going on and together, Jefferson and Hamilton ran out of the building and to the hospital. 

Hamilton wasted no time running into his mother's room. After around half an hour of fussing over whatever would make Rachel more comfortable, she finally gave in and said, "Alexander, would you be a dear and get me a fresh glass of water? These nurses don't listen too well when it comes to water." she smiled as her son walked out of the room quickly. 

He saw Thomas move to follow him, but Rachel insisted that she only wanted her son to go get it.

Alex ran around the hall to find the nearest water cooler. Once he found one, he sprinted toward it, filling the small paper cup with water and hurrying back to his mother's room. He'd never been more worried to leave her alone, not with how the doctors were talking.

But technically, she wasn't alone. Thomas was still there and that made Alex feel at least slightly better.

Hamilton rushed back in and set the cup down on the side table. "Here you go. Are you doing alright? Anything hurting? Do you need anything else?"

"If you could open the window, that'd be wonderful." 

He nodded and opened the blinds to show the dark orange and blue sky. Alex hadn't even realized that it was already sunset when they left. He stopped for a second to wonder when Peter would arrive.

"Is that alright?" He asked, turning to face his mother.

Rachel only smiled and scooted over. She patted the side of her bed. Alexander got comfortable next to his mother and let a few tears slip through. It took all he had to keep himself composed. He knew that this was the last time he'd get to see his mother alive and it tore him up inside. She wasn't coming out.

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