Meeting Mingus

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  • Dedicated to Myriam Charbonneau

Blind date with norman reedus Chapter five

Friday January 17th 2014 continued....

While Norman was having issues, I wasn't fairing much better with my wilful child. When I told her that Norman would be bringing his son over, to put it mildly that she wasn't impressed is an understatement.

"Really you want me to hang out with a kid I don't know?"

"You can do whatever you want to, talk to him don't talk to him, I'd prefer if you and Mingus got along thou."

"Okay mum I'll try, have you met his son?"

"Nope, not till tomorrow night."

"So I take it you like Norman?"

"Yeah very much Caitlyn."

"Okay if that's the case mum I will try very hard to like Mingus is it, but I can't promise anything it's up to him to like me too."

"Thank you babe, that's all I ask."

"So what are we going to do anything tonight?"

"Not sure, I'm really tired I'll be heading to bed shortly."

"You okay mum?"

"Yeah just had a really long night and day today, had trouble sleeping last night something kept popping up."

"Is that all delta?"

I gave Becky a glare."

"I'll tell you later Becky, but who wants to go for dinner not Italian as I'm doing lasagne tomorrow, anyone care for anything in particular?"

"Nope, nothing special mum."

"Let's just order Chinese in I'm really not in the mood to go out."

"Okay. Whatever you want mum. And with that Caitlyn walked back to her room and closed the door."

"Ok delta spill the beans what happened?"

"I'm not telling you all the details but oh my god Becky six times, how that man has stamina and how I'm walking I honestly don't know. I honestly never knew it could be like that, I'm telling you I've had a rough time with men up till now. He's amazing so sweet, kind, smart, sexy and he's a wonderful man. He told me he has feelings for me Becky little plain old me."

"You are not plain, you are not old if you are then Norman's ancient. Six times wow that's a lot I'm surprised you can walk."

"Oh me too Becky me too. Oh my god he is so sexy he's body is amazing not over built just imperfectly perfect. Oh my god his arms are amazing, he can pick me up like I'm nothing like I'm a feather."

"You two look cute together, my friends are so jealous of you."

"Thank you. I love him Becky I really do. It's crazy I've known him for what four days I've never felt like that, and it's not because it's been five years between men, it's because he wants nothing from me I can't do anything for him god that sounds bad I mean like he's not using me to get something, I can be myself and not have to think what is his angle."

"I can't imagine what that is like. You went five years between men, oh man what did you do? I don't wanna know I couldn't imagine going six months let alone five years."

"Well you tell me how'd you would feel if you were told on every occasion you weren't any good that it was no good that you were doing everything wrong. It would kind of make you not want to. I'm so glad that Lauren pushed us together."

"I am really happy for you, I've known you for two years delta and this is the happiest I've seen."

"I'm so nervous meeting his son I've never done that before met someone's child, oh god I hope he likes me."

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