Something new

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Blind date with norman reedus

5th august 2014

"So how are you doing this week and a bit delta?"

"Really good doc. Finally calm."

"That's good to hear. So how are things in the rest of your the life the babies, Norman and the other kids?"

"Babies are better."

"What do you mean better?"

"I got hurt at comicon and had to be rushed to the hospital they are fine now it was mainly stress related I was panicking and fainted. Scared the crap outta Norman poor thing."

"Oh god that's terrible, I'm glad they are okay. How was Norman?"

"He was wonderful. It happened when he was on the panel, I've watched what happened he leaped to his feet and ran over to the guy who caught me and didn't leave my side till the ambulance came."

"And Mingus wasn't it and Caitlyn how are you doing with them?"

"The other kids I haven't seen them seen we had the ultrasound done Ming went with his mum and Cait is holidaying with her grandparents."

"How is your relationship with them?"

"Better, no more stress so I'm glad about that."

"Good to hear we must try and cut your stress levels. But I must say you look really good. You look happy. How about Norman and you?"

"We are good, I might sleep with him today it's been a while at least for us."

"Why's that?"

"I was worried about hurting the bub's what with what happened. But I feel really good now. It doesn't mean we haven't done anything, just not gone all the way since the 22nd."

"I'm sure you will when you feel like it."

"Well I'm almost six months now so if something happened it would be okay now. I need to ask is it weird to want him to hurt me?"

"Hurt you do you mean as in sadomasochism?"

"Yeah, I've been reading some things and they turned me on and I want to try it to see what I can stand."

"You haven't been reading fifty shades have you?"

"Oh hell no, I prefer my porn harder, I've been reading something I want to try smacking and biting, I love having my hair pulled."

"There's nothing wrong with any of those things as long as it's consensual. So have the voices stopped?"

"Which ones? There were a lot. But yeah my brain seems clearer."

"How do you feel about yourself?"

"I'm feeling good, I've been eating like a horse."

"Good to hear. You look good."

"Thank you I feel so much better about myself. I feel like I'm very pretty."

"I'm happy to hear that."

"I'm actually going to go shopping when I leave here I've run outta room in my clothes and I can't keep wearing Norman's."

"Well that sounds like fun. How's the movie going?"

"Good so I've been told. I haven't seen anything yet. I'm a bit excited I should be seeing it this Friday as long as I'm in good health."

"I have to say, this is the first visit you've had where you haven't been annoyed, not believed what Norman said or said anything negative."

Blind date with norman reedusWhere stories live. Discover now