Sessions part 5

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Blind date with norman reedus
August 20 2014 continued...


I was sleeping when I felt it. I was being shaken.

"Hi Delta."

"Dr Jamison, what are you doing here?"

"We had an appointment today remember?" Closing the door.

"Yeah we did but I thought it was cancelled."

"No, Norman asked if I could come here and see you. So what do you wanna talk about?"

"I don't know where to start."

"The beginning is always good. What happened yesterday?"

"I woke up called Norman but he wasn't able to talk to me, he was short with me and then hung up on me."

"I'm sure he didn't mean it. Then what happened?"

"I got up, got dressed and headed out the door, I swear when I got up I only wanted you go shopping but then as I was leaving I had a "great" idea to go on a little holiday. Left a note saying as much and caught a taxi, I would've gone to Paris if I had my passport but I didn't so I went to Chicago instead."

"Chicago? Why Chicago?"

"Norman is going to be there in a few days I thought I could get myself sorted so I wouldn't be sick when he saw me. But I failed miserably everyone worried about me."

"That means they care about you."

"I know but I couldn't see it through the trees again."

"So how'd you end up here in Georgia?"

"Norman asked me to come see him. I don't deserve him. He deserves a healthy woman having his child or in my case children."

"Why did he call me to arrange this. To quote Norman "money's no object she needs to see you." End quote. Does that sound like someone you doesn't care about you or only cares about these babies you are having."

"No it doesn't."

"Do you have your camera Delta?"

"Yeah I have my iPad it has a camera." I told her. "Give it to me." I hand her my iPad after I've unlocked it. "Now Delta does this look like a guy that is here just because of some babies?" She shows me a picture of the two of us at our Fourth of July party we are both smiling at each other and Ming is in the background making a silly face.

"No I like that picture. I love him so much I hate him seeing me like this. I feel so weak, Like I can't look after myself I'm stronger then this. I don't know why this is happening to me?"

"Cause you suffer from depression the babies are more then likely exaggerating it as they affect your hormones and hormones control your moods. Also Norman said you forgot your tablets."

"Yeah I was just so busy I forgot."

"You can't just forget them Delta they are important."

"I know I've had so much on we moved into our new place."

"That must be exciting. How do you feel about it?"

"Good, but I haven't been able to do anything between Norman and Becca my nanny I've been treated like a frigging china doll. Pisses me right off."

"Why? They are only looking out for you."

"I know but I'm not dying I'm just pregnant."

"I know but you need to know your limitations."

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