Christmas ninja

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Blind date with Norman reedus
1 December 2014

Christmas is approaching, one thing I have started to love is Christmas in New York it's magical I've found a couple of photography books that I got Norman one was another very rare one they only made 500 copies so I think I Norman might like it, I find it hard to buy for him as we have different interests where if he had the same interests as me I could just buy what I liked but I have to think outside the box it's hard, but I think I did ok music and art sometimes a combo of the two, I hope he likes them.

Norman's mum is coming over for Christmas we get along really well I care deeply for her, probably more then I should for, if Norman and I broke up she wouldn't want to talk to me ever again, hence why I must try and keep him here, so no pressure just let him do his own thing.

I try not to spoil the kids but it's hard not too, We really don't have the restrictions that regular folk do money isn't an issue so I can pretty much get them what they want but we try to limit them to a few things, I've become an excellent hider of presents, they're all wanting to know what they got.

Got the tree and decorations, I'm so excited I didn't really celebrate Christmas when it was just Cait and I, it didn't feel like Christmas and last year was a bit messy this year is a proper Christmas, real tree and everything, the tree turned up it's beautiful, I love the smell of a real tree, Cait and I set about decorating the tree I've gone silver and blue as it looked nice in the shop, we were doing this as Norman and Mingus turn up.

"Hey babe, what you doing?"

"Painting, plotting world conquest not sure which yet."

"Very funny, tree looks amazing."

"Thanks, hi Ming you wanna help decorate?"


"There's no set rules here just put stuff where you like."


"So Ming, Cait has been telling us about the dance at school you excited?"

"Nah I hate dancing, can't do it."

"We I love to dance been doing it since I was four. I think Cait is the same."

"Del, I've seen you dance, I love watching you dance babe, I think Ming's like me I'm not a dancer either, sorry just can't do it."

"It's ok as long as Cait dances with me I'm ok, but if not I'll still do it on my own. You know what they say dance as if no ones watching."

"I think you already do that mum you're so embarrassing."

"Thanks Caitlyn."

"So what's for dinner?"

"I honestly don't know I haven't thought about it, I'm not really in the mood, you wanna go somewhere?"

"Yeah or get something delivered."

"I Think we might go turning Japanese what you think?"

"Yeah sounds like fun."

We took the kids to Japanese restaurant or should I say ninja restaurant, I thought it would be a fun night out, which it was, not romantic in the least but I wanted fun, I think I got scared more then he did as people jumping out all the time scares me a lot even thou I watch a lot of horror movies. The food was nice, but the company was wonderful.

"So what's your favourite thing we've done over the past nine months Del?"

"I think meeting you was the most favourite thing, but just hanging with you Cait and Ming I love when we do that I like it even more now as it's more like a family. I love our family, our new babies and our grown up kids. But mostly I like it when we're alone in bed and we're talking that's what I like the most. What about you?"

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