Silly string

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Blind date with norman reedus Chapter eight

January 24 2014

I woke to the sound of "babe come on we gotta get moving come have a shower with me."

"Oh if you insist. Just a shower right."

"Not unless you want more babe."

"I'm tempted seeming I won't have you for hours."

"Well come on, then lazy bum."

"Lazy bum?"

"Yeah you've been asleep for hours, you looked so peaceful. You know you talk in your sleep I don't think I wanna know what you were dreaming about but whatever it was it sounded like you were having a good time with it."

"Oh god so not only do I snore I also talk in my sleep."

"I actually love the talking, one time you must of been dreaming about sleeping with me, you were really into it. Actually got yourself off you're much more uninhibited when your asleep, never seen you play with yourself awake but so far I've seen you do it while you are asleep it's very sexy."

"Oh god." I crawled under the sheets.

"Come on girl." He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me out of bed, he sat me in the edge of the bathroom bench and puts his fingers on me "Sit right there, see I told you you're always ready for me no matter how many times we're together you're always wet babe and so tasty maybe next time but right now I need you again, god you're like a drug I need you so much I love being in you."

"And I love you in me babe. Come on babe. Make me yours."

"You already are." As he sunk into me, it felt different, It was fast, passionate and very sexy I'm going to have start thinking outside the bedroom as I've never done it until recently not in a bed. Does a wall count? Oh that's right we fooled around on the lounge once so we have been adventurous.

"God I needed that, man you have an effect on me, that was what four times?"

"I honestly don't know any more after two I kinda lose count. Can you carry me to the shower."

"Sure." He picks me up like I'm nothing and carries me to the shower and we shower together I will never know how I got him in my life I must do all I can to keep him, god that sounds like I'll do something bad but I'll never do something bad to keep him.

We get dressed I can see Norman packing his backpack. "Silly string?"

"Yeah I need to protect myself from Sean Patrick, he might attack."

"Need any help? I'm pretty good at backing you up." He hands me a can of shaving cream and a plastic plate.

"You're serious, oh this is gonna be fun, he's always the practical joker, oh I'm gonna try and take down SPF."

"Sure you wanna do it, I'll distract him with a silly string fight you be in his line up, I'll talk to his helper and get her to help us."

"Oh this is gonna be fun. Do I look good?"

"Yeah you look good enough to eat later."

"Hmm you are such a bad man. He's not going to be pissed if we do this?"

"Maybe I really don't know but I'm going to one up him and he won't expect it from you."

"Okay so how's this for a plan, I'll do my browsing in the vendors room come drop my stuff off, line up in Sean's line as I get closer that will be your cue to start silly stringing Sean."

"See this is what I like no love about you, you think like me okay let's get going need to eat before this convention."

"It's true all you do is feed me."

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