Liquor and revelations

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Blind date with Norman reedus
20 February 2015


"Dude you're not yourself what's up?" Asks Flannery.

"Oh nothing. Hey barman can I have another?" As the barman puts my fourth scotch in front of me.

"Oh don't give me that bullshit Reedus I know you nearly as well as you know yourself."

"It's nothing."

"Come on tell me."

"I miss my kids okay I wanted them to come but Delta said no. She's being a bitch. There you happy now Norman Reedus is a fucking pussy."

"Hey man missing your family doesn't make you a pussy as you say. It makes you human. I miss mine as well. She's not doing it to a bitch. She can't Norman."

"She can't? What do you mean she can't?"

"I'll explain later."

"You know we fucked up."

"Who fucked up?"

"You, me, Lauren and Delta. We shouldn't have done what we did, Del and I really haven't been the same since. What do you mean she can't."

"Dude you two have been through hell in the past two months what with Nonnie being taken. I can't imagine what that was like, yeah I can and I would just die if Charlie or Porter disappeared no wonder Delta's not coping."

"Yeah Delta losing her."

"You don't really think that do you? That Delta lost her do you?"

"Oh I don't know, why wasn't she keeping her eyes on them." I swallow my drink.

"She turned her back for a nano second Norman, you should be blaming whomever took her not your poor wife who I know is still punishing herself over it. Do you have any idea what she's going through? I highly doubt it Norman."

"Sure she is punishing herself. She's so wrapped up in herself and her stuff that she does I doubt she thinks about it."

"You really don't know your wife do you? Or do you not really care about her? If you don't why did you marry her?"

"I know enough about her."

"Really, then you'd know how much she is hurting. For you to even think that you don't know her at all. I've heard and seen her Reedus when she's face timing Lauren, it breaks my heart that someone who needs us is so far away and the person who is supposed to help her isn't. She's trying to distract herself with work. She'd go to dance but she's too scared to go outside, she gave up doing 31 not so you two could be together but because the thought of leaving the kids with someone else other then Becca scared her. There hasn't been one time since the incident that she hasn't spoken to Lauren where she's not been crying."

"I didn't know that. She's scared to go outside?"

"Don't you look at your wife? She doesn't look like the Delta I knew Norman, she's lost so much weight that she can't afford to lose, she's breaking and if you don't do anything Lauren and I will and we will step in and take you out of the picture if you are not going to help her."

"Not really we pretty much lead separate lives. Fuck I need another drink waiter." The waiter walks over.

"How is that possible you live together? You don't need another one. Waiter he doesn't need another."

"She stays in her areas like the theatre room and leaves me on my own reading my scripts."

"I wouldn't be surprised if she leaves your sorry ass Norman and you know I wouldn't blame her I'll probably help her kick you out. What's the point of being married to you if you don't love her. And can't look after her that's all she wants. She wants to feel safe."

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