Welcome to the world baby Reedus

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Blind date with Norman Reedus
20th September 2015

What I thought was going to be a restful night it was the complete opposite I started bleeding again, which meant another scan, good news is bub's still alive so that is good, mostly they want it out of me why I can't be stitched I don't know I think it has a a lot to do with only being twenty nine weeks I told them I'm not doing anything till my husband turns up.

Ring ring ring ring

pick up babe.

"Yeah babe what's wrong."

"About time mister, you need to get here right now, I have to go in to have a c-section I've told them I'm not having it till you turn up, which they're allowing."

"It's okay."

"No it's not I'm 11 weeks early."

"I'm getting dressing I'll be there soon fifteen minutes at the most you still in the anti natal ward."

"Yeah for the time being."

"I'm walking out the door now ok babe I'll be there as quick as I can. Love you stay calm okay."

"Ok, love you too. Bye."

The doctor was trying to convince me to go into surgery now, I told him I'm not going in until Norman's here but if he's not here in twenty five minutes then I'll go in ok as that's more then enough time to get here. That shut him up. Please god let this one be alright, I don't think I could cope if something happens, it was hard enough when I nearly lost the other ones this would be worse, I must relax, it might stress the baby out can't have that now can we?

"You're still here?"

"Oh baby you made it, I was giving you another five minutes you just made it."

"Sorry I had to get a taxi. I hope you don't mind I brought the camera ok."

"No I don't mind as long as you don't shoot my hoohaa ok?"

"Yeah you got it."

"Ok so you ready mrs Reedus?"

"No but I don't really have a choice do I?"

"No you don't." As they wheel me into the theatre, Norman looks funny in his hospital gown and mask.

"I forgot to tell you babe, I got a call tonight from Melissa and Greg they wished us luck."

"I knew it."

"So what is this gonna be boy or girl last chance?"


"She's wrong it's a girl."

"Oh babe we have another daughter, she's so small and beautiful."

"Is she?" All I can hear is click click click of Norman taking pictures.

"Of course she is, you're her mum. I love you."

"Why can't I hear her? She's not crying."

"It's ok Delta, she's just small, but she's having issues breathing and she'll be fine. I'm now going to stitch you up."

Then I heard the softest little cry I've never been happier.

"Hey guys what's her name?"

"Norlissa? Norlissa Charlotte."

"Perfect babe. Thank you."

"Well happy birthday Norlissa Charlotte welcome to the world pretty girl."

"No babe thank you. I'm going to follow her to newborn special care section Delta okay. I'll be with you soon as I can."

"It's ok she needs you more."

Blind date with norman reedusWhere stories live. Discover now