Don't bother knocking

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Blind date with norman reedus
6th august 2014


I woke up to another early start. I look over at Del she's sound asleep on her side I can see her back damn that looks bad I hope I haven't hurt her. I quietly get out of bed not to disturb her and walk to our bathroom close the door and turn the light on when I do I'm shocked when I see the damage she did to my neck it's bloody it must have started re-bleeding overnight and is bruised that's going to be fun to get the make up team to cover up. I jump in the shower, last night was definitely one if the most interesting things I've done, don't get me wrong I've given love taps to girls I've been with but not hit them so that they hurt, but I can't say she was in any pain it was pure pleasure, I think she would've gone further if I let her. I might have to see what she's been reading to get an idea of what she was getting off on. Also must re watch red canyon so I can get the voice right. I can do that for her if it's something she really wants.

I get dressed and walk around to Del's side of the bed and kiss her on the shoulder which I've hurt. When I dug my nails in. It looks sore.

"Hey babe, I didn't know you had and early start."

"Yeah but then in two days I'm off for four days I was thinking you wanna go somewhere and do something? I wanna go swimming babe maybe near a beach or a pool. I'd go to New York but Ming and Cait are both still away and I remember you said something about doing a holiday just us."

"Sounds nice babe want me to look or do you want the honours?"

"Nah let me surprise you for once. I gotta go I shouldn't be too late, what you going to do today babe?"

"Not sure might clean the house then I don't know. I might contact Darren tell him to FedEx me the footage so I can see it. I'm don't really feel like going to LA I just wanna stay here."

"I'm glad to hear that babe as long as you relax I'm cool babe. I love you. Does it hurt?"

"Not yet ask me later and I love you babe thank you for last night. Oh shit did I do that to you babe? Oh I'm so sorry I didn't think I bit that hard. Does it hurt?" As she touches the bite.

"A little but I'm tough. Don't touch babe. Bye babe." And with that I kiss her passionately man I when I see her on the bed I don't wanna leave that is very unlike me, at least very unlike me seven months ago. I still can't believe how much my life has changed in seven months. I think I'm like her I can't quite believe how my life has changed if you told me at the start of the year that by the end of the year I'd have another two kids and a fiancé I'd had told you to fuck off.

It doesn't take too long to get to the set, I pull in just as Melissa does I get out and walk over to her.

"Hey you. You look a little worse for wear. What's that about?" Pointing to my neck.

"I have no idea what you are talking about?"

"Your neck. Did you get bitten?"

"Is it that noticeable."

"Yeah babe. Nice bruise. Is that Del's work?"


"I think you should let the medic look at it. It looks bad."

"Maybe later." We walk to the make up trailer. I walk in and there is Greg man I'm not gonna hear the end of it today I was hoping it was one of the other guys I couldn't be that lucky could I?

"Hey guys. Holy shit Norman what you been doing to yourself man?"

"Got attacked by a fangirl last night on the way home."

Blind date with norman reedusWhere stories live. Discover now