Unwelcome visitor and the kindness of friends

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Blind date with Norman reedus
13 April 2015

"Hey babe what's up?"

"Not much just making sure you're leaving now."

"Well I would be but someone's stopping me from doing a final check, before i leave the house, Ming, Cait you got your stuff."

"Dada dada."

"yeah that's right it's daddy."

"Did Wilson just say dada?"

"Yeah he's very talkative."

"Yeah and I missed it."

"Well in a few years you'll be telling him and non to be quite. I gotta go babe okay there's suppose to be a car waiting for us. But I do need to tell you about something  that happened last night."

"What happened?"

"I don't have time to talk to you about it now, I'll explain to you later okay."

"I guess so. It's not bad is it?"

"Could have been but it wasn't too bad. Bye babe"

"Babe you can't say something like that and not tell me, ok if you don't wanna talk I'll talk to you later. Bye Del."

We make it out the front as our car is coming the kerb.

"Good morning mrs Reedus, how are you today?"

"Very good, thank you for being on time, how's the family Brad?"


"Good to hear."

"So where you off to today?"

"We're off to see daddy ain't we kids."

"Yeah" said both Cait and Ming

"Dada dada."

"That's right Wilson daddy you're going to see him soon, you know you need to learn mama it would be nice hear occasionally. And you miss Nonnie you need to start talking soon to."

"She will when she's ready mom."

"Thanks Ming."

Considering how early they were nearly six weeks they are doing so well, sitting up on their own it's so cute, I'm such a proud mama.

"Mom, Ming and I are gonna try and teach him mama and Nonnie how to talk, ain't we little brother and sister. Who's a smart brother smarter than Mingus that's for sure."

"Hey who you calling dumb?"

"You stupid."

"Seriously kids I have a headache can you keep it down. And no neither of you are any smarter than the other."

"Okay mom." Cait pouts.

"Hey don't pout you'll stay like that little lady."

We got to the airport in one piece, and made our way to the VIP lounge as usual Cait goes running towards the computers and Ming has his headphones on playing whatever game he's into at the moment usual one of those shoot them ups, so that just leaves Wilson, Nonnie and I.

"So what you wanna do little people? Want some toast kids?"

All I get is a big smiles on their toothless mouth. I've starting them on solids they taking really well to them, surprisingly broccoli is one of their favourite.

We got some food and drinks and found a seat so I can watch what both kids are doing. I still find it crazy I'm a mum to two fifteen years old and two six month olds, I feel so blessed. I miss Norman, it's been weeks since I've seen him he hasn't been able to come to New York and see us. It's what we have to do with him being a working actor as Norman says, even thou Norman is really famous. It's a scary thought after what happened last night and in December it's only going to get worse I don't know if I could cope with it.

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