Chapter 9

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Daniel's POV ___

Daniel hummed a lullaby he was familiar with in his days of training. Scarborough Fair. It was the song of his people. Some of them, at least. Someone hummed the same tune in his first few days in Cult Camp. It was the same lullaby he'd hear every night and he clung to its sweet, haunting melody till the end of his sane days. It became a silent anthem for those who stayed up at night. No one knew who started the humming and no one talked about it. Then someone else would hum it. And the next night, a different voice. He found it amusing and it made sleeping in that hell hole a lot easier.

His partner had long since grabbed the paper from his hands and has been muttering to himself on their way to their destination.

"Are you sure you know where we're going?" the blonde asked. David's head snapped up. He was so focused on the paper, he could've tripped on his own two feet for not watching where he was going. He swiveled around with his flashlight in his hand, blinding Daniel momentarily. He raised a hand to his eyes.

"I've got an inkling," the camp counselor said sheepishly. He recited the riddle that was written on the paper.

"Beneath the trees, a secluded place

One where silence dwells.

Toss a coin, or something shiny

Only Charon can lead thee.

Don't dig deep but don't look on the surface

A curved horn hides in the forest.

Look under a rock, or sleep on it

One of you hides a shameful secret. "

Daniel read the lines and snorted at how cheesy it sounded. But when he tried to analyze it, it seemed awfully suspicious the way Jen wrote the riddle. And the game? He wasn't even aware she and Gwen talked about setting this game up. How dare she not include him in her plans. Maybe she's onto something. She could kill Gwen by the time the campers have left to go searching, far away from the scene of the crime. Is she giving me an opportunity to... to... spill blood on the battlefield? Daniel tensed. This is not what they agreed on. But nonetheless, it gave him thrill to be the predator among the prey.

"Daniel, I don't know how but I think this riddle talks about my hiding spot," the red head was mumbling, eyes on the ground. He wasn't looking at him. The flashlight was aimed at the ground as well. Daniel inched a step closer and the echo of his foot crunching the leaves sounded as loud as his own breathing.

""One where silence dwells"? I mean, that could be anywhere far from camp but, like I said, there's a certain spot I come to hang out in and, well, it's underneath the trees. And it mentioned a rock," David was still looking down, his voice oddly trembling. The man slowly reached behind his back and felt for the comfort of his blade. It was tucked securely in his waist band.

"Daniel, did you tell them about my hiding spot?!" David spun around, surprising Daniel in his tracks. His hand froze around the handle of his knife. David didn't seem to notice as he was looking at Daniel with the most heart-wrenching betrayed look on his face.

"What?" he said.

"I trusted you," David frowned, "I showed you that place so that maybe you and I can spend some free time there and just get away from camp."

Oh, is that what this is about? Daniel released his grip on his knife, regretting the adrenaline that coursed through him when he realized he had a quest to murder. He took in the embarrassed state David was in and his eyes widened. Oh shit.

"I didn't tell anyone. I swear on my life," he raised his hand. The camp counselor didn't seem convinced though.

"Look at me, David. Do I look like someone who'd break a promise?" He crossed his arms and frowned. Of course, if he were talking to Jen, that would be a different story.

"If it gives you and Jen something to laugh about, I guess," the camp counselor pouted. Daniel was baffled at this childish act. He refused to meet his eyes and Daniel swore he saw his cheeks go red as his hair.

"Why would I break a promise just to do that?"

"I don't know!" David flailed his arms. "Gahh! I'm being all silly again," He covered his face. The blonde had no idea how to react to a situation like this but he kind of found it hilarious that David felt embarrassed. He knew he'll regret it later on. So, as Daniel sucked up is pride, he laid a hand on David's hair and ruffled it.

"David, I hate to break it to you, but I'm no ditcher. Your assumptions are wrong, my friend," he tried to smile a genuine smile. The knot in David's shoulders loosened.

"But, how could she possibly find out?" He feebly raised the paper to his face and scrutinized the words written on it.

"Once you hang around Jen, you'll see how stalker-ish she is. It keeps her busy when she's not reading her magazines or listening to puke-worthy boy band music," Daniel blurted. The brunette gave him a curious look.

"She sounds awfully a lot like Gwen. Minus the stalking part,"

"Exactly why they get along so much," Daniel grinned. He saw him smile back and he knew everything was fine between them now. They inspect the paper once more and David started to lead the way. The forest can be real spooky at night and with only one flashlight, their vision is pretty limited. He watched as David jumped at every hoot of an owl or every crunch of a leaf.

"Let me hold the flashlight. We can't afford you dropping it in your fright," Daniel teased.

"I am not scared!" Yet, David still handed over the flashlight and hid behind him when the bushes moved to their right. Daniel shined a light on it and watched as a squirrel came out.

"You were saying?" He grinned over his shoulder. David had a deathly grip on his white shirt. He immediately let go and composed himself.

"Let's get going, shall we?" he cleared his throat and waited for Daniel to move. He found his false bravado hilarious. A giggle rose out of his mouth as he walked ahead. He missed the horrified look on David's face.

"Who knew a perfect angel like you could have such a scary laugh," he shivered. And this time, Daniel guffawed.

"Nevermind. This one's scarier," David laughed.

"You haven't met true horror, my friend," the double meaning behind his words went unnoticed by the other man. He only laughed at this. "Right,"

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