Chapter 21

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Jen's POV__

What in Satan's name is taking them so long? She sat on a bench outside, near the mess hall as she waited for the two counselors to show up. Jen had a suspicion they were accompanying each other through... physical touch. After the obvious display of affection during the campfire, surely everyone knew something was fishy between the two. Who wouldn't miss the way David inclined his head toward Daniel? Or the hand Daniel placed on his hip?

The campers noticed, and Jen saw them gape. Guess they didn't think their camp counselors would be gay, she hummed.

But it won't matter. Their opinions won't bother the two love birds anytime soon. This weird thought seemed oddly supportive of her. She subconsciously let her hand wander and rub the red pentagram on her wrist and she was reminded of the time they drew on the campers with sharpies. Gwen had a sweet little star on her shoulder and it made Jen smile.

For a while.

'Cause happiness was only temporary. She crushed the memory like it was the baby bird in the forest this afternoon. She approached the crying little thing and watched it struggle to get up. The wailing got on her nerves so she squashed it with a heavy rock she found nearby.

Jen looked up when a movement caught her eye. Finally the cabin door opened and the two counselors were making their way to her. The brunette had red eyes and his fingers were fisting his green camp shirt. Her cultist friend supported David by putting a hand on his back. She got up from the bench and shouldered the duffel bag she brought with her. It was filled with supplies of all kind, from exorcism tools, to candles and burning sages. She also kept vials of different types of animal blood. It depends on the occasion.

"So, we're doing it, huh?" David exhaled.

"Yep! No time to back out now. Lead the way, David." Jen nodded toward the forest. But there was hesitation in him.

"The last time we went there, we kind of got lost?" He mumbled. "We kept walking in circles. Crossed a log. Walked some more. I can't guarantee we'd get there by midnight," David scratched the back of his head. "We also might get lost on the way. It's farther than my..." he gulped, ending it there.

Jen spotted Daniel looking around. "Why don't we tie a rope around a tree and let it guide us back? It'll also help us tell whether or not we're moving farther."

"I think that'd be fine. Where are the ropes?" Jen asked.

"I think we have one inside the mess hall stashed somewhere," David looked away. "I'll go get it," he separated from Daniel with reluctance and went to find the rope. Jen was getting impatient and gripped the handle of her duffel bag.

She noticed Daniel staring after the brunette. His usually cold blue eyes were warm and full of... something Jen couldn't place her mind on. "You've changed," she remarked.

"I hope it's not in the bad way," Daniel replied, looking back at her. "Don't think this makes me any weaker than you." He tilts his head.

"It doesn't," she lied. "It's just a little flaw, is all." She looked back at the mess hall, indicating that David was that little flaw. Daniel understood it clearly and he looked pissed.

"He won't change anything about me," he hissed through clenched teeth. The brunette exited from the mess hall holding the rope in one hand and made his way toward them. Jen had a smile plastered on her face before David could reach them.

The trio trekked through the forest with the only source of light being David's flashlight. After a considerable amount of time and looking around, David was certain they've arrived. The rope was in Jen's hand and, giving it a good tug, knew they didn't stray too far. She tossed the duffel bag to Daniel with efficiency and asked him to recheck the materials as she was finding something to tie the rope to. Jen settled for a low hanging branch so that they'll still be able to feel it in the dark.

"Candles, matches..." Daniel was mumbling, taking out the materials one by one. Jen watched David shift uncomfortably in his place. Figuring she'd been a bit harsh earlier, she went up to him and placed a careful hand on his shoulder. David's eyes found her in the dark. The glow from the flashlight illuminated only half their face.

"Everything'll be okay. It's not as bad as it looks," she said, wondering if Daniel already persuaded him. For a second, a panicked look overwhelmed his features. Then David smiled weakly and nodded. Jen wonders if the idea of joining a cult frightened him.

"Do we really have to go through all this?" he asked meekly. "I mean, won't an Ouija board work?" He chuckled nervously.

Daniel, who's on the floor counting the candles and surrounded by vials of sorts, scoffed. "That's a load of hooey. The Ouija board is too overrated and it's nothing but a good prank to scare your friends." Jen nodded in agreement.

"Or that prank where you stand in front of a mirror at night and chant Bloody Mary. Ugh, it makes me roll my eyes," Jen laughed. Daniel joined in and so did David, with reluctance. She continued talking to the brunette to lighten his mood.

"Jen?" Daniel grabbed their attention. She made a sound of acknowledgment.

"Where's the salt?" he looked up at her. She furrowed her eyebrows.

"It should be right there. It's in a small container tucked in the left corner." She approached the other and watched as Daniel looked through again and coming up with nothing.

"What's wrong?" David asked from behind.

"It seems Jen has forgotten to bring salt." Daniel deadpanned.

"Is it really that important?" David questioned. The blonde on the floor trained his eyes behind Jen. "Yes. It's crucial to the ritual. It'll help contain whatever spirit we contact inside this circle. It may also help protect Jasper for a while. Other lost souls will be clamoring to get free once they sense a gateway." Then he sent a glare at Jen.

"Go retrieve it. I'll set up the circle and the candles. Once we have the salt, we can light the candles and you can begin." Jen nodded, sending an apologetic glance to both of them.

But as she turned away to grab the rope and feel her way back, a grin stretched across her face. Ah yes, the container I purposely left on top of my bed. I'll get it, she walked and walked, slowly becoming aware she hadn't asked for the flashlight. The crunching of her footsteps echoed all around her. David and Daniel's voices drifted off into the distance.

Then she was running on light feet. She had to get to camp quickly. No time to waste. Tell him you ran out and restocked from the mess hall. She nearly lost her footing but quickly regained her posture, holding onto the rope like a lifeline. In minutes, she ran into camp and was heading straight for her cabin. Not to grab the container of salt, but to grab two gasoline containers she hid under her bed.

She checked her phone. 10:50 PM. The kids should be sleeping. Gwen might still be awake. She had to do this stealthily and quickly.

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