Chapter 23

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Daniel's POV__

The darkness was blinding. The moon was present, but it didn't provide enough light for them to see. The cultist remembered Jen being blasted back from the force and turned his head in the darkness.

"Jen? Are you okay?" He was actually concerned for her. A groan answered back.

Hands gripped his arm and he turned back to David. He mumbled incoherently and Daniel calmly rubbed circled on his waist.

"So, now that that's done," Jen's voice interrupted them. He heard a rustling and figured Jen was standing by now. "Shall we proceed to more dire matters?" She was taking a nudge at David. She hasn't given him time to recover and she's already asking him to join them.

"Jen, I don't think now's the appropriate time," Daniel sighed. David tensed in his grip.

"Why not? We've helped him. He got what he wanted," her footsteps neared them and Daniel involuntarily moved back, bringing David with him. She paused in her tracks. "David, have you made up your mind?" She asked him.

"Made up my mind?" his voice cracked. The poor thing, Daniel bit his lip and felt torn between wanting to comfort the male and shooing Jen away.

"Yeah," she said slowly. "You know, since you've seen what we can do. You've tried to initiate it yourself, but you just didn't have the right sources," her voice sounded pitying, but Daniel knew she was mocking him. The counselor in his embrace backed up into his chest.

"Jen, seriously, this is not the time. He's not... like us. David will never see justice in what we do. And I think that's okay," he muttered the last part. In truth, he was giddy with the idea of converting David. He could teach him their ways and spend their free time talking about the history of Zeemog and all the Ancient ones. He's got it all planned out in his head.

But alas, Daniel learned to let it go before the ritual even started. David is and never will be part of them. It hurt the hell out of him. He didn't want to leave camp without him. It was the harsh truth and it slapped Daniel in the face.

"What did you say?" Jen asked coldly. Then she laughed, a horrible high-pitched sound that didn't sit right with the cultist.

"Daniel, he'll join you if you just force him to!" seemingly forgotten that David was right there, her cold words pierced through the counselor. He flinched and Daniel found his hand in the darkness. It was still damp with what he presumed was blood. He interlaced their fingers, silently communicating that he would never force him into doing something he doesn't want. David was shocked into silence.

"He's got the potential. We'll swerve it in the right path. All he needs is you," the crunching of her footsteps confused him. She was either backing away or coming toward them. Instinctively, he felt for the dagger he kept on his person and drew it.

"I know what he needs, Jen. This is not it," he reluctantly let go of David and stood. When he drew himself up to his full height, dagger at his side, he felt a rush of air hit him in the face. And he knew she was standing right in front of him.

"David may have the potential, but I know he'll never have it in him to kill others." He said with finality. "We're not having an addition to the group."

"And what do you propose we do?" Jen snarled in his face.

Daniel was quiet. He hasn't planned anything past his visions of having David by his side. He... did not want to leave without him. Did not want to leave his side. But he knew leaving was inevitable and David refused to join their cult. His silence was enough for her. She backed away. His eyes have adjusted in the dark and he's now looking at a girl who looked ready to murder.

"You converted me, you enlightened me, then you belittled me and you threw me away like I was a scrap of paper into the flames!" Jen's voice cracked. "If there's anything I learned from your hypocritical ass, it's to never back down. If we see a potential member, we force them in. We expand, we grow; we do not diminish. You thought I didn't have it in me?" She scoffed.

"David is weak. If you insist he won't join us then by all means, end his suffering." Was she suggesting what he thought she was implying? His face contorted in rage. "The Ancient ones would never accept someone as fragile as him anyway. The world is better off without weaklings," she said in disgust.

"Jen, I suggest you back the fuck away. Now. Before I lodge this knife where it rightfully belongs," he growled.

He was ready for a fight if it came to that. Her blue eyes pierced his identical ones, waiting for the prey—the hunter to make a move. He looked away when David started hyperventilating. A wrong move on his part, but the other cultist hasn't made her move to attack. Right now, he couldn't care more about Jen. With one final look in her way, he bent down and scooped the brunette into his arms. He was not leaving him.

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