Chapter 11

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David's POV

David was the only one up early. The sun hasn't peeked and the camp is filled with silence. He sat up from his bed drowsily and looked at the digital clock on his nightstand. Surely, nobody else was up at 4 AM. Gwen wakes up later than David. He never observed his new co-counselors' sleeping habits, but he doubted they'd be up at this time.

His doubt did nothing to ease his growing anxiety. This completely woke him up from his slumber. As he rubbed his eyes and stretched his arms above his head, David had a minute to process just what occurred in the past few hours. He got up and undressed. There's no room for mistakes. Again. He scavenged his closet for a darker outfit, one where he could blend in with the shadows. As he prepared and took precautions, the same thought that's been itching in the back of his mind since the hunt began came back.

Someone followed us. David slicked his auburn hair back. He checked himself once more in the mirror to see if he'd stand out in the dark. Daniel must've been preoccupied with telling his stories. I'm surprised he wasn't being keen with his senses. Then he smiled. I would've been too, he thought dreamily. But... no. I was right in being alert, he wiped the smile off his face and exited the cabin silently.

As the camp counselor stalked into the night, he looked around for any signs that someone could still be up at this time. Neil and Harrison finished their punishment and should be longing for a good night's rest. David was safe. But it was better to be cautious.

By the time we roamed the forest, they must've been there, waiting for us, David thought. I had to know if we were being followed. That's why David walked a couple ways more to tire them out. He eventually felt them give up. That's when David started walking to the place on the list.

Could it be Neil? Harrison? He thought with dismay. He could think of no reason why they would. It's petty to think they followed them just to steal the pieces listed on the paper. No, it's someone else. David kept his mind at work just as he did with his feet. He navigated through the abyss of trees like he was being called to the hearth of the forest. Without a flashlight. Bringing one with him is like hanging a neon LED sign above his head, signaling anyone at a 50 feet radius.

Jen's another one I gotta look out for, he warned himself. How in heaven's name did she follow him? And when? David worried his lip as he entered his territory. He stood still and listened for anything that seems out of place. It was dead silent. Even the animals were in deep sleep. This was good. Although, David feels like he's being set up. Someone at camp knows. If they anticipated his next move, they should know he's not in bed right now. Every second that ticked by made him nervous.

Daniel, do you have it in you to betray our friendship? He frowned. He wiped the sweat off his brow as he dug up the ground next to the spot he and his friend retrieved the plush toy. Unconsciously, he began to think about Daniel.

Blonde locks that looked soft to touch. Light blue eyes that looked deeper than the color gave it credit for. Skin so pale, he'd long to give warmth to it to give him color. Just the image of him filled his mind. It made David cease digging and sit back. What are you doing to me, Daniel? He grunted in frustration. The brunette wasn't exactly sure what he thought about him. Daniel's a nice guy. Funny when he's in the mood for jokes. He's charismatic and friendly and... and... intoxicating to be with, his mind filled in the blanks.

"Focus!" He whispered to no one but himself. Self-motivation is the key to being successful. And getting the job done a lot faster.

As he dug, his hands became dirty and he got dust under his nails. Sweat dripped down the side of his head and he wiped it with a nudge of his shoulder. After an immeasurable amount of time, he saw the item that could potentially ruin his career and relationship with his dear friends. He felt bile rise up in his throat but he pushed it down. With trembling hands, he lifted it and carried it off into the night never to be seen again. When David returned to his cabin, he quickly took a bath and hand-washed his outfit. He can't risk doing laundry in the morning.

Once things were set aside, he dressed up in his pajamas and looked outside his window. Camp Campbell stayed the same as he left it. Quiet and still. He got in bed and watched the blinking digits on his clock. 5 AM. He had one hour to forget what happened tonight and let sleep overcome his very being. He had one hour to forget his worries and the boy that plagued his mind. One hour to silence his thoughts.

But instead, he turned in his sheets and looked off to the side. He was awake, and he cannot quell the voices that ran in his head.

Max, it must be Max.

That little brat is always up to something. He knows, for sure.

The poor kid has no idea what he's getting himself into.

Leave him out of this. He knows nothing.

They're just kids. What harm can they do?

The camp counselor groaned into his pillow. He's been making very frustrated sexual noises recently, it was funny. But jokes aside, he can't help but suspect the unruly boy at camp. He'll have to see for himself. It's hard not to see him with his friends plotting against something or someone. They even made it obvious the last time they followed David around. He had to drive them back in his car. The memory quieted his thoughts for a while. It was hilarious to hear they thought he was a murderous lunatic. It was the first time he opened up to someone. Even if that someone was a bunch of kids. They knew where pity was due and when it wasn't. It's been some time since he talked about his past. The accident. It was utterly...

David got up and threw off his clothes. No use pretending. He could always say he woke up early and started working on today's activities. As he put on his camp uniform, he grabbed his clipboard and scanned through his list. He had a lot of activities listed down but it wouldn't hurt to add more. Maybe he should make this day Science Appreciation Day. It would cheer Neil up after their punishment.

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