Chapter 17

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David's POV__

It's been a day since he confessed—not one, but two confessions!—to Daniel. I don't think it was much of a confession though? Since he hasn't proclaimed his undying love for him yet. What he told Daniel was the darkness that enveloped him. It wrapped him from the inside and nobody could see it. It rotted away, just like his guilt on that night. It rotted, but it never left him.

And now he opened it once more. If Daniel really is a cultist, he thought selfishly, then he shouldn't be repulsed by it. He's the only one who'd understand. Gwen could never stomach anything like that. He beat himself up about it the morning after. But to his relief, Daniel stopped ignoring him and stayed by his side. Even now when they were watching the campers run back and forth in their little game of pass the message. Gwen and Jen sat on opposite ends, with Gwen being the messenger and Jen being the receiver.

By the end of their activities, they all gathered infront of the mess hall. It provided shade from the sun and they sat down to catch their breath. The kids went about their business, shoving and knocking each other over, like Harrison and Neil. Others stood by and talked idly, like Ered, Dolf, and Preston. One particular kid, Nurf, started beating the hell out of Space Kid. He was all hyped after the game and took it out on the poor boy. It was a daily occurrence and David's heart always softened at the sight of Daniel coming to the boy's aid. He had grown a fondness for Space Kid, as David did with Max. It was so endearing to see.

"Max, you little shit, come back here!" yelled Gwen, breaking his reverie.

"Heeeeell no." Said the boy as he ran ahead of her. He was carrying a small notebook with Gwen's name on it. "Who knows what crazy shit you put in here?" he cackled. He pretended to open it and read the contents when he heard Gwen scream.

"Oooh, I love a good chase." Jen laughed as she joined in. It became a blur as kids start to chase one another and David was laughing at the silliness of it all. He lost track of who chased who, and who was running ahead first. He realized he's all worn out after the games and stretched. Maybe a splash of water to the face will do the trick, he thought and bounded off to their cabins, eager to wash the grime and sweat from his face.

A hand grabbed his arm just as he was about to pass a corner, and pulled him aside, hidden from the other campers. His mouth was covered too as his abductor pressed against his back, away from view.

"We need to talk."

[sorry that this chapter was really short.. I was just really tired from writing the last one 😞]

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