Chapter 12

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___ Meanwhile in Daniel's POV ___

Daniel sat on one side of the table with David on the other. It was their turn to manage camp activities for the day and they were paired up. It became a silent agreement that Jen stayed with Gwen and he with David. He put an arm up on the table and supported his chin with his hand. The brunette was busy looking through his papers and explaining how they could operate through it. One thing was on Daniel's mind.

Did David have a secret of his own?

He wanted to crack him open. This could lead to a breakthrough. Can they possibly turn him? This excited the blonde counselor. He sat up straight in his seat and smiled encouragingly at David. The action brought David's attention to him.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Well, don't hesitate, friend." David put the clipboard down and gave him all the time in the world. Daniel swore the butterflies duplicated in his stomach. The possibility that David might have the potential to become one with them was exhilarating! It was not farfetched, but he had to gather evidence first. I'll need to consult Jen about that little secret she kept from me. He stored that reminder away for now.

"When are you free?" He leans on his hand and smiles charmingly at his direction. David spluttered as his cheeks went red.

"U-um, I'm sorry?" He cleared his throat awkwardly.

"I'm asking when you're free. I'd like to engage in a long meaningful conversation with you sometime," Now it was Daniel's turn to blush. It sounded quite scandalous, what he just said right now. Jen would laugh at him if she saw him.

"You're... asking me out?"

What. God, no. Daniel just wanted to spend the whole day in David's room and talk to him about the wonders of ascension. It's likely he'd convince him to see their ways.  He laughed.

"You're funny, David. I am proposing a discussion of sorts. I'd like to talk about them with you. So! When are you free?" Daniel smiled, tilting his head to the side a bit. It shouldn't be this difficult to ask him. So why was it?

"Oh," came the brunette's reply. He almost sounded disappointed. Nonsense, the blonde thought. There's no room for that once they engage in a meaningful conversation, unlike this awkward tête-à-tête. Daniel opened his mouth to retort but then the door to the mess hall slammed open.

"David, some of the kids are missing. Max, Nikki, and Neil aren't anywhere to be found! I thought they were just fooling around, like what they do every day. But it's been hours and they aren't back yet." yelled Gwen with Jen trailing behind her.

"What? When did they vanish? Did you try asking the other campers?" David was off his seat and striding towards the door. Once he and the other camp counselor was out of hearing range, Jen entered the room and closed the door behind her.

"So," he drawled.

"It'll take them an hour tops to find them," she inspected her nails and sat down on the chair David occupied a minute ago.

"You sure about that?"

"Okay, maybe less than that. But time is time, and time is precious." She laced her fingers and placed them on top of the table. A mischievous grin sat on her face. Outside, mingled voices shouted the missing campers' names. They were on the hunt now.

"Care to tell me what you've been hiding last night?" Daniel sat back and waited patiently for Jen to respond. She drummed her fingers on the table in a steady rhythm. It seemed to taunt him.

"Our little Davey's hiding something sinister," she smiled, eyes on the table.

"How sinister?" the co-counselor raised his eyebrows. The brunette looked nothing like the type to do something horrible. It would look out of character for him. Jen's finger tapping pace started to quicken.

"Let's just say, there's an actual skeleton of an animal in the place I put on the list. I have no idea how long it's been there, but it's definitely there," a laugh bubbled up from her throat. Daniel was having a hard time comprehending the words that came out of her lips.

"Okay, so you found a dead animal."

"A dead animal that's been buried there for a reason. Daniel, it was a lamb." Her laugh died down as he started to realize what she's implying.

"And you think David put it there? This is sounding all too incredible to be true, honestly." And it was. The idea that sweet, naïve David was capable of killing something was beyond him. But it gave him a twisted feeling in his gut. "Let's say what you're proposing is right. This doesn't give us enough proof that he can ascend," Maybe this was her end goal. Did she want David to come with them?

"No, it doesn't. But we can work our way around it. And trust me, David put it there. Why else would he be sitting in that place, crying over a rock for hours? I stayed behind when he left and found a little surprise buried under there. Shocking, I know." She shrugged.

"By now, that thing should be gone. After last night, he should be wise to take it out. But also dumb to do it. If I felt like it, I could've followed him but the forest isn't something I'm acquainted with yet. David would know for sure if someone followed him." Jen leaned back and stopped drumming her fingers. She looked relieved, as if she just solved a mystery. Daniel's gotta give it to her. He knew he should've been alert when David started leading him around the forest. He probably knew he was doing it on purpose. But why?

"We should be out there right now. They're going to start suspecting why we aren't with them soon." Jen got up and so did Daniel. With newfound information in his head, he's got a new perspective of David. He'll have to approach him on this matter, but not too soon. He needs to find out what inner demons David's been battling.

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