Chapter 24

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Jen's POV__

As Daniel comforted the brunette, Jen slipped away into the darkness. The moon was now high up in the sky and the only source of light came from filtered moonlight. She walked back and found the rope lying on the ground. Must've been blown off the branch. Looking over her shoulder, the other cultist was preoccupied. Hah, who would've thought she emerged as the stronger one? She snatched up the rope and discreetly headed back to camp, pulling the rope with her.

"Good luck finding your way back to camp," she muttered under her breath, anger seeping into her words. She exhaled loudly. If there's anything left to come back to.

There's one more thing she did in advance to secure their plan. She hasn't told Daniel and planned to surprise him. It was to show him how she've upped her game more than his. David or no, their plan will go on.

So she doused the camp in gasoline. Only in places that won't completely attract the campers attention. Estimated, they should be in deep sleep by now. The smell won't hit them lest they woke up at late hours at night and sniffed real hard. The mess hall too was doused. Only Gwen remained, and she has to get her out of her cabin before she burned those down too.

She tugged on the rope and smirked when the other end pulled taut. She neared the camp and as she saw the clearing, she dropped the rope. Time to get to work.

. . . . .

She knocked three times before the door opened. Gwen had a look of annoyance that disappeared when she saw who was behind the door. "Jen! What're you doing up so late? Um, I guess you're wondering the same thing too, huh." She left the door and had turned her back. "I was just watching this super cool show..."

She trusted her so easily that it almost softened her heart. Almost. But not quite as much as David had done with Daniel. That boy claims he's got an ice cold heart. She entered and left the door ajar. But ice can melt when exposed to warmth. She gripped the cloth in her hand dampened with a few drops of chloroform, just enough to make her unconscious, but not too much to kill her. That's why mine is made of stone. Even after breaking it, you still have all the little bits. Broken and hard, but still damn solid.

She reached around the other girl just as she was going on about the stupid show on the screen. She held it securely under her nostrils and wound her arm around her. It took Gwen longer than a second to realize what's happening. By the time she had tried to put up a fight, the chloroform had started to take effect.

"It's okay, Gwen. Relax. There's no need to fight it." She brushed her nose against her soft cheek and whispered into her ear. But Gwen had now been lulled to sleep before she could hear the end of it. She dragged her outside where she left the rope and bound her to a nearby tree. She can't have her interfering in her plans.

She patted her pocket once to double check if the box of matches still sat securely with her. Satisfied, she stalked towards the tents. There was still some spare rope.

. . . . .

Jen couldn't resist torturing them first. Seeing them burn from their tents was a compelling thought. But inflicting harm on them physically, now that set her on fire. That's why instead of striking a match, she pulled the campers out of their tents and bound them together with rope. Some were still miraculously asleep and some had already woken, panic in their eyes and squirming like helpless fishes out of the water. She gagged them to make sure they kept silent and attracted no attention.

But who was she kidding? Gwen was bound up, Daniel and David were deep in the forest, and like hell Cameron Campbell will come back. She was twirling her own dagger, examining those in her line of sight.

"Why are you doing this?!" a girl yelped. Jen turned quickly to locate the source of the voice. The girl with green hair had chewed her way through the gag and it now hung loosely around her neck. Jen suppressed her disgust.

"Because, little ignorant children," she spread her arms. "I hate each and every one of you." Her fake smile put them on edge. She delighted in their fear.

She expected a small, angry voice to yell at her too. Ah, the one she hated the most. He's been getting on her nerves for the past month and she could not wait to get her hands on—who was that kid? Her eyes roamed the bunch of them. Something was wrong. The one in the blue sweater. She circled them, mentally counting and listing off their names. Max. He wasn't with them.

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