Chapter 18

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David's alarms went off as he tried to wiggle his way out of his captor's arms. One minute, he was holding hands with the most beautiful man on earth and the next, he was being held captive. He was tossed in his own cabin and he stumbled forward. He heard the door lock shut behind him.

"Stop your squirming, boy." He knew that voice.

"It's ridiculous. You look like you've been kidnapped by a deranged criminal," followed by a bellowing laugh.

"Cameron Campbell, sir!" He turned around and stood on shaky knees. He saluted. The camp founder waved his hand to dismiss him.

"How's the whole camp, Davey? Everything good?"

"Yes sir!" He proceeded to give him a recap of the events that have happened in the weeks he was gone, only to be interrupted by the man leaning on the door.

"How are our new recruits doing?" He was inspecting his nails. When David hesitated, nervous to confess he may have feelings for a co-worker, the founder looked at him.

"Everything's swell! The campers have cozied up to them and I feel like camp has been—"

"Perfect?" Cameron finished. David felt uneasy being interrupted like that but nodded. The camp founder pushed off from the door and walked closer to him.

"I've only got a few minutes, so listen closely." He gave him a grave look. "One of your new recruits is trouble. Haven't you been checking the newspapers?" At this, he tossed him a copy. It was dated almost a month ago when they hired Daniel. He flipped through the papers. Ah, yes. I remember Muffin Topz offered a fairly good deal with the all-you-can-eat shrimp and steak! He smiled and kept flipping, until he saw Daniel's face on the print.

He felt his blood turn cold. A shiver ran down his spine. This... was the real Daniel. The Daniel before everything that happened between them. In bold letters, it read:


"We've got a murderer hiding out in our camp." He crossed his arms. "Have you thought of what would happen once the police finds out he's been here all along? What of the camp's reputation afterwards?" David looked at his feet in shame. What was he supposed to say?

"Fire Daniel. He better be gone when I get back, or I'm kicking your ass out of camp." Came the only option given to him. He looked up to defend the blonde, but Cameron turned the doorknob and was out in seconds. The brunette's heart shattered as he was at a loss on what to do next. He was torn between obeying the man that had been akin to a father to him since he was young, and protecting the man who understood him inside and out and whom he fell for.

Before his feelings grew for the other, it had been a quick decision of his to kick Daniel out of camp. He made up his mind in a second. But... why couldn't he do it now? Would he dare defy Cameron Campbell?

He hesitated. The camp counselor for once did not have an answer to his problem. He'll have to stall and find his own solution.

. . . . .

He sat outside by the lake while the other campers gathered in the mess hall that afternoon. Gwen had them all sorted out, and as much as David wanted to be there beside her, he was afraid he'd get distracted and it'd show on his face. Thoughts in his head warred against each other and he had no idea whom to side on. Ever since Cameron Campbell surprised him with a visit and told him what everyone suspected of Daniel, he was only given one option; to send him away.

Even after hearing it from Cameron Campbell, it didn't come as a huge surprise as it should. Daniel beat him to it. It's one thing for someone to confess their actions and another thing to hear it from someone else. Maybe that's why he had faith in his co-counselor.

He didn't want him to go. He wouldn't let that happen. Frustrated, he dipped his hand in the water. Playing by the lake always soothed him. Maybe Daniel could change his ways, he thought reluctantly. But so far, the other man hasn't shown any signs of being suspicious. If he was being honest, he even looked chipper that before.

The thought made his heart swell. Did he realize how fun camp actually is and decided to let go of being murderous? David doubted that. Now it all made sense to him. The suspicious punch, the brain washing, the dagger. Then his breath hitched. Daniel intended to kill him too along with the others. He was going to take innocent lives, if it weren't for Gwen arriving on time.

His mood shifted again and he was back to square one. His feelings raged and he sat forlornly on the dock, waving his hand in the water and watching his reflection. What should he make of Daniel? Did it mean something now that he showed signs of affection for him? The camp counselor hoped so. There's a chance he could still change him, if that's what it took to keep him employed. His hand stopped swaying.

"But what if I don't want him to change?" he muttered quietly to himself. His inner turmoil vanished, replaced by visions of Daniel being overprotective of him; Daniel being ready to kill and maim whoever dared touch or look at David the wrong way. The thrill of wanting it gave him goose bumps. It was oh so wrong to have such insane desires. But he craved them. And he knew Daniel can fulfill those desires.

"You busy over there?"

Surprised, he turned around to see the devil himself. Daniel sat beside him and bumped his shoulder lightheartedly. "Not really. Just admiring the view," as he said it, he couldn't help keep his eyes off the other. Daniel met his eyes and he laughed. Golly, it was music to his ears. His face flushed in embarrassment.

"Gee, David. I'm flattered," came his amused reply.

"That's not what I meant," he defended himself.

"If it helps, I think the view is pretty damn amazing too," he offered, giving him an obvious once over.

David knew his face was on fire. If their playful banter went on like this, he'd be a puddle by the end of it. "Danny, watch your language." He chastised the blonde.

This only made the white clad counselor guffaw. This is what David lived for. Being in Daniel's company and relaxing out in the woods. It's not like camp was terrible either. He looked forward to starting a new day at camp every day! There was just so many possibilities. But he needed his downtime too. And who would say no to time with Daniel? Gosh, wasn't he just a fanboy.

"But in all honesty, I came here to... propose a proposition for you," Daniel started. "What if I told you I could help you reach your objective in life?"

David gasped. "Be the greatest camp counselor this camp has ever seen and inspire kids to follow in my footsteps?" He gushed in childlike wonder.

The blonde stared at him for a second, then cracked a smile. "No, silly. I meant overcoming an obstacle you've had in your life." He wove his hand around David's. "Specifically, one you've recently mentioned."

Oh. That obstacle. He was talking about the Jasper incident. He was rendered speechless and unconsciously gripped the blonde's hand. He still had mixed feelings about that memory. It was a dark day and David wasn't himself. He was overcome with despair and was desperate. Was Daniel offering to help set things right?

"I'm sorry to bring it up so suddenly. I haven't given you time to recover," Daniel apologized. "But please consider my offer." They shared a moment where neither spoke nor looked at each other. They sat idly and faced forward with their hands clasped together. David didn't know what to make of it.

The meeting with Cameron Campbell came to his mind. Fire him, he said. Daniel is a potential threat to camp and everyone around him. But the boy beside him didn't look like he fit the description. Looks can be deceiving, he learned that lesson long ago and knew it himself. The brunette applied that lesson in his life when he found out being miserable completely changed him as a person. So he hid his misery behind a smile, and momentarily forgot it.

But not all things forgotten are lost. To vanquish it, he'll have to confront it once more. This time, he'll draw strength from the person who'll anchor him down—the person who cared so much to help him overcome his shadow.

"Tell me how." He broke the silence.

This got Daniel's attention. Just as he was opening his mouth, another voice interrupted them

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