Chapter 22

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Daniel's POV__

The blonde counselor wiped the sweat off his brow after forming a very delicate pentagram on the ground with the mixture of vials Jen supplied in her duffel bag. He painted on stones that he placed on each end of the pentagram and readied the candles, hoping it would not topple over. He held a box of matches in one hand, waiting for Jen's return.

It hadn't been quiet, and Daniel was thankful for David distracting him when the air got tense. He knew the other was thinking of everything that could go wrong in the process of the ritual. He could see the doubt in David's eyes. Daniel tried to reassure him but he knew it was futile. He and Jen were wrong about him. He didn't murder in cold blood, like they've done. He was a man who wanted to reconcile with an old friend.

That's why he didn't press on about the cult. In the cabin, he raised the question, since there was no harm in asking. He already got his answer before David could open his mouth. His eyes were fearful and untrusting. There was no hope or curiosity. He downright rejected the idea. And it pierced Daniel's heart. But seeing the horrified look on David's face made him change the topic. It wasn't something they both wanted to dwell on any longer.

Jen entered the clearing and was panting on her knees. Her arm was outstretched, giving Daniel the container.

"I'm sorry it took me forever! I actually ran out and went to borrow some from the mess hall. I can't believe I—"

"Jen, it's fine." Daniel interrupted. "Next time, talk less. Do more," he teased. Jen sent him a glare as he opened the container and sprinkled the salt around the pentagram, making sure the circle wasn't broken. He stepped back to let Jen take the reins for what's to come.

"You forgot something," she said.

"Which is?" Daniel crossed his arms. He double-checked everything. Nothing was out of place.

"We need to spill the blood of a virgin," she said with all seriousness. Daniel stared at her, a laugh making its way to his lips. All the more so when she looked at both men and said "a child would be the perfect candidate."

"What? No!" David cut her off. Soon the two cultists were laughing and the scandalized look on David's face calmed Daniel down.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't pass up an opportunity like that," Jen wiped an invisible tear off her face. Daniel felt like he had to give her a high-five, but that was something uncommon between them. So he smirked instead.

"But seriously, we need your palm, David. A drop of your blood. This'll tether Jasper's soul to you and he'll find you faster than the other lost souls." Jen said.

David offered up his hand and Daniel offered to cut it for him. He brought out the familiar dagger and he saw the brunette tense. He massaged his palm and urged him to calm down. He sliced quickly and didn't cut any deeper. He held his hand above the pentagram and waited till the blood dripped. He stepped back and Jen began to mutter phrases he partially knew. With the match in his hand, he struck the box and lighted the first candle.

Daniel waited for Jen's cues and lighted the next, and the next, until all candles were lit. The wind seemed oddly calm and the forest was quiet. It was just Jen's incomprehensible voice and David's harsh breathing. For a second, nothing happened. Jen paused, then repeated the last phrase. Nothing.

Then a scream tore out of David and Daniel was immediately at his side. The brunette staggered and fell on his knees. He was holding his chest like it hurt him; like something was tearing out of it. Suddenly it wasn't just David's scream he was hearing. There seemed to be simultaneous wails coming from the pentagram.

"Hold on, David." He tried to hold his hand.

The voices were a mix of tortured voices. Some high, some scratchy, some spine-chilling. A voice overcame the rest and soon, the voices receded. It sounded like a little boy. Jen staggered back when the pentagram glowed bright. There was no corporeal being, but they all felt the presence. The atmosphere dropped and Daniel knew they were not alone.

"Jasper?" David asked quietly. There was silence. Then... a whisper.

"Davey, is that you?" David wept, crawling forward. The counselor pulled him back when he almost crossed the salt barrier.

"Jasper, I've... I've no idea what to say. Every day of my waking life, the thought of that day haunts me," he sobbed. "I never meant to..."

There was a hushed sigh. "Davey, you've kept me in the dark." Jasper said.

The brunette in his arms was losing it. "I'm so sorry. I didn't- I never wanted for things to happen the way it did," he was shaking. "I was an asshole! I was too slow. I couldn't reach you in time-"

"Shhh..." the air seemed to come back and rushed past them. The momentary curse almost shocked Daniel. "No, Davey. I mean, all these years, I've been in this cold, dark place," Jasper said. "I... couldn't move on." David's tears started to flow more.

"But I've already forgiven you, friend." Jasper's voice lilted in a friendly manner.


"The only thing tying me down here is you, David." Jasper's voice sounded a lot closer to them now. Almost like he was all around them. "I've forgiven you. It's about time you forgive yourself too," the wind picked up.

"How... how could I?" David sat back on his heels. "How could you?" He asked brokenly.

"I don't hold grudges, Davey. You should know that more than anyone! It was an unfortunate accident and it was partially my fault for not looking where I was going," David was shaking his head in disagreement.

"I don't blame you. But you're blaming yourself. Your anguish is what keeps me here," the pentagram glowed and a gasp emitted from Jasper.

"Fighting... for control. Others... found us," Jen gritted through her teeth. Daniel only then noticed her disarray. She was keeping it together, just so David could reconcile. She's risking a lot for this reunion to happen. It's taking a toll on her and Daniel could see it. Newfound respect for her wormed its way into Daniel's head.

"Please set me free, David. You have to forgive yourself." Jasper said. The brunette was shaking and his eyes were darted frantically around the circle as if he could find Jasper.


"I have to go. Your friend's suffering to keep us connected. I don't want anyone else to hurt anymore," his voice started to fade. The wind started to pick up again, rushing all around them. It whipped Daniel's hair back as the gateway began to close.

"Jasper, I'm sorry!" David yelled out.

"I know, Davey. I forgive you," came his last reply as the connection broke. Jen tumbled back as the wind blew out all the candles. Daniel can feel the counselor's uneven breathing and hugged him to calm the other. David held onto his arms for support as tears rolled down and grief wracked his body.

The ritual was finished. David was in one piece. And that was all that mattered.

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