Ch 8

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Chapter 8

Gemma's prov

When me and cameron kissed it was so magical. I think I'm starting to really like cameron like really like him. When we walked home we just talked about our selfs and he talked about how he started to make vines then suddenly he got really big. When we finally got to my house he kissed me on my forehead and said goodnight. He was so sweet! When I got in. My dad was watching the football on TV but catch up cause it was late.

"Hey dad."

"Hey sweetie how was it?"

"How was what?"

"Going out with your friends."

"Oh it was good. I'm gonna go bed. night dad love you."

"Okay sweetie love you too."

then I walked up To my room and got changed into my pj's. I was so tiered. When I got into bed I put my phone on charge and watched friends (my fav show). Then I heard my phone buzz. when I looked at it, it was cameron it said

"Hey beautiful tonight was amazing can we meet up tomorrow?❤️"

He wanted to meet up again OMG this is so good! I texted back saying

"Hey handsome I would love to meet up when and where💕" all most instantly I got a text back saying

" The mall at 12:30 I will come and get you I'm using nash's car see you then princess❤️x

Aww he called me princess! I was tiered then so I went to sleep for my date; well kinda date with cam tomorrow.


Cameron's prov

I woke up and the first thing that came into my head was Gemma. I'm crazy about her!! I looked at my phone and it was 12 ALREADY

"Crap I got get ready" I said to no-one😂 When I looked at my text messages there was from my mom saying

"Hey cam cam how is it in nash's hope you are having fun love you 💚" I texted back saying

"Hey mom I'm having a great time love you too!💙xxxxx"

Then I got ready for my date with Gemma. I put on some jeans, blue top and a SnapBack.

Gemma's prov

I woke up and straight away thought about cameron. He was so dreamy! any way for my date a put on my black heigh waisted shorts and a galaxy baggy crop top. I also put on some pink vans (my favs). When I looked at my phone it said 12:15 ahah I need to do my hair!!! So I just straightened it, it was so long now (all the way to my lower back)! I did my make up I only put on some eye liner. I didn't have time to do the rest so yeah....! When I looked at my clock again it said 12:30 cam should be here any min then the door went. I got my phone and that and ran downstairs. When I got down stairs cameron was talking to my dad (my dad is the most protective person ever when it comes to boys!!!!!!).

"Hey sweetie Cameron's here." he seemed okay about it what was happing?

" I can see daddy" I walked down the stairs

"By sweetie have fun"

"Bye dad"

Then he whispered in my ear

"He seems nice"

"bye dad" I hate talking about boys with my dad

When me and cam got in the car he said

"You look beautiful as always"

"Thankyou you look handsome" I said blushing. He could see me blushing and said

"Your dad is nice"

"He don't normally like boys" I said laughing

"Well he likes me" then he winked and satrted to drive

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