Ch 24

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Cameron's pov

"Cameron can I have a picture?" I heard a fan shout as I was walking to the car. I turned around to see a Girl with long dark hair standing with her phone and what it looked like it to be tears of happiness running down her cheeks.

"Sure bæ" then I walked up to her and grabbed her close to me so we could take the picture. Then I kissed her cheek and got in the car. Before we went to the hotel we decided to go have a ice cream at the 'beach café'. I did feel bad on Gemma she has been near enough by her self all day but 30 mins won't harm will it?

I couldn't look at Taylor. Every time I looked at him I felt a fire in the pit of my belly because I though back to him saying theses things about Gemma. I guess It didn't hurt me that he said but I kinda thought it was true. I love Gemma to pieces but I don't give her that much attention like today I saw her once and I'm in to ice cream bar now having our fav dessert but she isn't here; whereas Taylor saw her at least twice! But I love Gemma so much too much to lose her to Taylor caniff.

Taylor's pov

So after magcon we deduced to go get a ice cream. It was one of the most awkward experiences of my life! Every time I looked up I could see Cameron glaring at me. I looked on the table and I could see Cameron's phone light up while he took some photos with fans. There was a text for gem (on his phone it said my princess) it said

"Cam I need you at the hotel room something.........." I couldn't read the rest because the stupid iPhone would only let me see so much without unlocking it. Then a thought came into my head what does Gemma mean has something bad happened? If so I need to go see her because Cameron is going to be a while yet. This is what I mean about me being able to give her more attention! I need to go see her.

Gemma's pov

"You're dad has been shot and is in hospital" I heard DI Tyler say but the words didn't register. All I could think of was a time when me and my dad went to go swimming down the beach. I was about 6ish and just got new googles and wanted to try them. Me and dad where swimming and I saw a fish swim across my face and I jumped into my dad's arms. I can see him now laughing at my expression and my mom taking too many pictures as she a,way does. Then I saw him on my fist day at high school telling me to be safe and me storming into the car not wanted to be told what to do. Then it came to the day that my dad and mom split up and I was crying in his arms again. He was telling me it will be alright and I'm gonna be happy.

"Miss owen are you okay?" I was suddenly taken out of my trance by the young police officer talking to me.

"When can I see him?" I asked

"Not tonight because he needs rest it will have to be tomorrow" said DI Tyler

"I advise you to stay with someone tonight"

"In have a boyfriend Cameron" I said

"Can you ring him please we need to know that you are safe for the night"

"Okay" I replied

I rang Cameron the first time and it went to answer phone then I rang again and again and again. At this point I texted him saying "Cameron I need you at the hotel something bad has happened." No answer. So I rang agin and thank god he picked up well I thought he did until I heard I worried Taylor saying

"Gemma what is it are you okay do I need to come you you?"

"Taylor where is cam?" I asked

"He has gone to play football with the boys" great the time I needed him he wasn't here

"Oh" I said

" Gemma do you need me?"

"Taylor my dad has been shot and the police say I need someone with me what do I do I need cam"

"Cameron won't be here for a while I will come straight away"


"Gemma I'm not going to try anything I'm just going to protect you"

"Okay thankyou Taylor but hurry!" And then he out the phone down.

*5 mins later*

Me and the police offerers where just sat here in silence until a loud knock on the door. I rushed to open it still hoping it may be cam when I opened it was Taylor.

"Gemma are you okay?" He said hugging me and walking in

"You must be Gemma's boyfriend" said the officer Taylor just looked at me and replied

"No sir I'm just a close friend" then grabbed my hand and said

"I will keep her safe officer you can leave"

"Okay son but if anything happens phone the station" then he looked at me and said

"I'm so sorry Gemma" and they both walked out the door. As soon as they left I couldn't help but cry. I was so upset I just sat on the bed a cryer my eyes out until Taylor came up to me and said

"Gemma dint cry. It makes me upset to see you like this" then he sat down and I leaned on him and said

"What happens if he dies Taylor?"

"He won't gem he will be fine. We are going to watch a movie to take your mind of things"

"Okay Tay" I replied then he got up and put on the TV and sat on the bed with me. About half way into the film I felt his arm warp round my shoulder. I would move it off but I felt so safe in his arms. So I just stayed there. Then he said

"You okay princess?"

"Better than I was" I replied then he just looked into my eyes. So did I. I got lost in them then he leaned in for a kiss and I don't know how but it was me and Taylor kissing. When I realised what we were doing I pushed him off and said

"This is you Taylor my dad is in a bed and you are kissing me!"

"You where kissing back Gemma" he relied getting of the bed. Then he came up and grabbed my hands and said

"Gemma I was here making you feel better while Cameron was out playing football with the boys. Why can't you see that I'm right for you not Cameron?" This made me so angry I took my hands back and said

"Get out Taylor" while pointing to the door

"But gem..........."

"Taylor I want to be alone please leave"

"As you day beautiful but remember I was here for you when you needed someone not Cameron" then he kissed my cheek hugged me and waked out the door. Taylor was right he was there for me and not Cameron but I love cam but Taylor is sweet but..................

I'm so confused! And I want my dad with me not in a hospital.

A/n what did you think if this chapter there is a lot of convo I hope you all like it and thankyou for 2.1k reads!

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