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There,N laid on the ground,passed out and also seem almost lifeless with a puddle of blood that was constantly pouring out from his arm.

On the other hand,the members were just enjoying one anothers' company without thinking of their leader.

Leo was in the kitchen preparing dinner with hongbin while hyuk ,ravi and ken were talking and laughing loudly like it was nobody's business.

"Dinner is ready!Come here and eat now you guys" hongbin shouted from the kitchen as he prepares the cutlery and plates with leo setting down the freshly cooked dishes.

As soon as they heard dinner was ready, 3 of them rushed to the dining table eyeing and drooling whilst looking at the food.

"Where's N hyung?"Leo asked.

Everyone shrugged and tried to looked at their leader's room's door.

"I'll go call him,you guys dig in first."ravi suggested as he stood up and went to retrieve their leader.

Ravi then turns the doorknob only to find out that it was locked.He then tries knocking on the door "N hyung,come out and eat dinner with us now.Its getting cold".After waiting for 3 minutes,there was no reply whatsoever.Not even a word.It was completely silent on the other side of the door.

"N hyung~ its not healthy if you didn't eat dinner~.........N hyung?" Again no response

" Haishhhh this hyung seriously" he muttered under his breath while going into the living room cupboard to retrieve N's room key.

He searched around until he finally found it at the very bottom of the drawer and rushes to N's door and unlocks it.

When he pushed open the door,there seem to be something blocking behind the door.As ravi pushed the door harder and prying the door to wider,his eyes landed on his Hyung's collapsed body surrounded by what seemed to be blood.His eyes then widens and trails to the source of the blood.

N's arms and thigh,decorated with various random bleeding lines overlaping one another.

Ravi then screams for the others while tears start to trickle down his face.

The others rushed and asked ravi on what the commotion is about.

"N hyung he...he...bleeding...N hyung" he cried and stuttered.

Hyuk and hongbin tries to comfort ravi confused at what ravi was saying whereas leo and ken then follows to what ravi had been staring at while trying to make sense of what the younger was saying about N bleeding.


Hyuk and hongbin rushed to Leo's side and as they saw their leader's appearance and condition,they started to cry.

"Please don't do this to us N hyung...why did you do this?please hold on...the ambulance is on the way." Hongbin stated as more tears start flooding down his already wet face.

Hyuk could only sit and cry beside his hyung's motionless body.Leo,went to the bathroom to gather their medical kit together with a towel.

He sat down next to his life long friend's body while lifting his body up effortlessly.He then noticed that N's face was extremely pale and cold.Not to mention the longer he stared at his face,he also noticed that N had lost a tremendous amount of weight considering that his cheeks were almost sunken and jaw line was extremely defined.N's body as he held on to it,he was alarmed as he felt nothing but bones.

He snapped out from staring and observing N and started panicking while trying to check for his pulse.

"His pulse,it was extremely faint....almost to the brink of stopping...."

Just then,the ambulance arrived and nurses came into their dorm with a Stretcher.Quickly then they placed the the leader and rushed to get him to the ER(emergency room).

The 2 members on the other hand paced front and back and the other 3 sitting down on the bench trying to process what they have seen while crying,thinking about the fate of their dear leader.

The doctor then comes out of the emergency room.

5 of the members rushed towards him like hungry wild dogs seeing food for the first time,overwhelming the doctor with various questions.


Then stopped as they saw the doctor's gloomy expression.

"He...is placed in the ICU(intensive care unit) since his condition was very critical and i am sorry to say that he went into a coma.Of course we also do not know when he might wake up.We have done various check ups on him and have diagnosed him with severe depression and anorexia.He may also have other health problem that may cause him his life as his body as of now is very fragile and weak.So we are still checking him thorougly for it.Not to mention...his heartbeat was extremely poor ,almost to the brink of,I'm sorry to say but Death and we have no choice but place him with a life support machine."

The members' eyes widen at the mention of their leader's critical condition and the mention of potential death.

The 3 youngest couldn't help but tear up more.Feeling broken after being told of such information.

"Can...can we vi..visit him Doctor?" Ken managed to muster up to ask the question.

"Sure.Just be sure to stay quiet and also refrain yourself from touching him as there will be various wires from the machines attached on to him"the doctor said with a hit of pity towards the 5 young men.

As they entered,their hearts broke more as they came in face with the leader's body hooked up with various liquids and dull wires around him.

They then felt something else other than sadness...they felt guilt as they all thought about all the things they have done to the leader even the 'jokes' they directed to him.

They stayed for almost 4 hours with N before being forced to go home as visiting hours was over.

They went home quietly,dejected and most of all feeling guilty.

They didn't dare to say anything and instead stayed silent,Sitting on the living room's floor while reflecting on their actions towards N.

Hongbin suddenly remembered that N's pool of blood was still stained on the room's floor and stood up to clean it up.

Upon entering he sees a black box that was lying next of the pool of blood that they didn't notice as they were too busy crying and rushing to get emergency help for their leader.

Hongbin was really tempted but reluctant to open it.....but his curiosity won.

He reached out and took the box on to hand and opened it to see........


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